Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Develop and promote positive relationships Essay

The importance of good working relationships in the setting. It’s very important to have a good working relationship within a setting because it reflects and promotes a positive environment, that is not only inviting for children but for the parents also. Staffs are also approachable and children will be relaxed and confident and will feel that they are able to trust you. Parents would also find it easier to form professional relationships with staff members, this helps to make separation and transitions easier for the child and parent. It also makes discussing important information about the Childs individual needs or concerns easier. Forming good relationships with other colleagues makes the setting run smoothly, information is easily passed on. The working environment is relaxed and more enjoyable. K2 Relevant legal requirements covering the way you relate to and interact with children and young people The relevant requirements covering the way we relate to and interact with children are The United Nations Convention On The Rights Of Children 1989, this legislation ensures that children are listened to, shown respect and have the right to make choices (within reason). They must be protected from discrimination and have the right to freedom of expression. The Children’s Act 1989 brings together various pieces of legislation; it covers child protection and the responsibilities a parent must adhere to, as well as ensuring that children’s welfare is of a paramount importance. K3 Relevant legal requirements and procedures covering confidentiality and the disclosure of information. The Data Protection Act 1998 requires anyone who handles personal information to comply with a number of important principles. It also gives individuals rights over their personal information. This act covers all information held on paper or computer systems and all organizations that store personal data must register with the Data Protection Commission. The eight enforceable principles that must comply with are: †¢Fairly and lawfully processed. †¢Processed for limited purposes. †¢Adequate, relevant and not excessive. †¢Accurate. †¢Not kept longer than necessary. †¢Processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights. †¢Secure. †¢Not transferred to other countries without adequate protection. To comply with these principles every school processing personal data must notify under the Act. Data Protection within the school is also checked with auditors and ofsted. Any passing on of a child’s personal information to other professionals must have written consent from the parents or main carer, or the school would be in breach of the Data Protection Act. All admission details of children leaving the school are passed on to their new schools, but historical data is kept on the school’s IT Management system. This information is stored under a secure password protected application. The different types of personal data which is held in the school are: Name and address of the child. Gender. Contact details of parents/carer including emergency telephone numbers. Development records/profiles of each child. Observations including photographic evidence on each child. Medical information. Absence/attendance records. Unique pupil number. Within the school any general information such as doctor /dentist or other professional appointments should be shared between colleagues only. We also have a medical room within the main school which contains medical records and photographs of those children who have food allergies and other serious conditions such as diabetes. Again this confidential information is only accessible by members of staff. It is also essential and important when working with children not to discuss them or their family outside your setting. No information should be passed on without parental consent, unless requested by the police or social services. The only time that you are allowed to breach confidentiality is when you are safe guarding a child or in an emergency. K4 Relevant legal requirements covering the needs of disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs. Legislation and the special needs code of practice: SEN and Disability Act 2001: Providers should make reasonable adjustments to include children with SEN e. g. provide / attend training. A written SEN policy is needed. A SENCO should be identified. Education Act 1944: Children with special needs should be educated alongside their peers. The views of parents should be recognized. Children’s handicap should be diagnosed. Disability Discrimination Act 1995. Those who provide goods and services to the public must make sure that they do not discriminate against those who have a disability, including children who may have learning or physical difficulties or long term illness. Code of Practice 1994. A five stage process to assess a child’s special needs is identified. If needed a statement is written to say how those needs will be met. Code of Practice 2001. A staged system of assessment consisting of Action and Action plus is introduced to support children whose needs may not require a statement or to contribute to the process of statementing. Education Act 1989. Children with disabilities should be educated in mainstream schools wherever possible. Health, education and social services should work together to asses a child’s needs. Children’s Act 1989. Every local authority should provide services for children with special educational needs in their local area. Early identification of special needs is important. K5 The types of information that should be treated confidentially: who you can and cannot share this information with. Who should have access to any records? Head teacher, teacher, parents/carers, Ofsted, SENCO, Social services and other professionals. 2. Where should records be stored? Records are stored in secure cabinets. In a software package. These records are on the individual teacher’s laptops which are password protected and stored in a central storage room overnight. All back up discs are also stored in secure cabinets. 3. How can records be checked for accuracy? External moderators from the Local Educational Authority check the software for accuracy and EYFS profiling. Regular meetings with current examples of tracking and profiles take place between the school and the moderators. 4. Who should be allowed to carry out observations and assessments? Teacher, Key person, SENCO and assessors. 5. Who can give permission for observations and assessments to take place? Written permission forms are signed by parents/carers at the start of the academic year for all new children attending the school, this also covers photographic observations/evidence. K6 The meaning of anti-discriminatory practice and how to integrate this into your relationships with children and other adults. It is paramount that all children and families feel that the setting is welcoming, non-threatening and that they are respected and valued. These means that all practitioners should have excellent communication skills and have the ability to listen carefully, question, understand and respond in a positive manner. Developing and building a trusted two way relationship means that you will be able to support both the family and child throughout their time in your care. The school also promotes that all individual children are given equal access to the school’s curriculum, care, moral and spiritual input, sports, arts and play opportunities. This support also includes the children being healthy, safe, enjoying and achieving and; making positive contributions to the community and society. A SEN register is held in school of all children who have been identified as having special needs. Other registers record different circumstances which may affect children’s access to the curriculum such as English as an additional language, medical needs, gifted and talented. K7 How you adapt your behaviour and communication with children to meet the needs of children in your care of different ages, genders, ethnicities, needs and abilities. It is still essential with this age group of children and young people to build on good relationships; they will be experiencing many physical changes and may feel anxious about puberty. Adults need to able to listen and be sensitive to the changes they are going through. It is vital that they have positive adult relationships, with an adult who can listen carefully, are sensitive, non-judgmental and have empathy to their individual needs. Within this age group they face far more peer pressure, wanting to fit in with their peers, feeling concerned about their outward appearances, even facing issues such as sex and experimentation with alcohol and drugs. Having a good relationship away from a family member where the children or young people can feel that they can express their own views and opinions and be respected and spoken to as an equal over important issues in their lives is paramount. Therefore they still require an adult who can give them advice, reassurance, praise and encouragement and understand their needs. K8 Strategies you can adopt to help children to feel welcome and valued in the setting. I ensure that all children in my setting are given the opportunities to play with an activity of their choice and that their views and beliefs are listened to. All children must be praised and encouraged, valued and listened to. I make them feel welcome and valued by being a positive role model and by taking an interest in what they do and say. K9 What is meant by ‘appropriate’ and ‘inappropriate behaviour when interacting with children, the policies and procedures to follow and why these are important? The school’s policies and procedures all members of staff must have a full and active part to play in protecting all pupils from harm, and at all times the children’s welfare is of paramount concern. We should all be working together to provide a caring positive and stimulating environment that promotes the social, physical and moral development of all the individual children. All members of staff are expected to develop their performance portfolios and undertake annual performance management meetings to improve on their teaching standards. The importance of following the school’s policies and procedures in appropriate behaviour are that you are contributing to the overall ethos and aims of the school and safe guarding the children. Helping to promote inclusion and acceptance of all pupils and encouraging interaction with others. Appropriate behaviour helps to develop the children’s confidence, self esteem, resilience and independence giving them a feeling of being respected and valued. Inappropriate behaviour from members of staff could result in the children lacking in confidence and lowering their self esteem. The children we feel that their views and opinions are not respected or valued. The children will become less independent and it will promote bad behaviour resulting in an environment where they will not learn or feel safe. Using unprofessional behaviour when interacting with children could become a child protection issue. Therefore it is inappropriate to be too personal or give personal information to the children in your care. K10 The importance of encouraging children to make choices for themselves and strategies to support this. By encouraging children to act in this way you are helping them to develop and make them become aware of their own needs and areas of improvement. This can be done by allowing the child to try and solve problems or necessary decisions before advice is given. Options can be given to the child to help them choose a path to take K11 The importance of involving children in decision-making and strategies you can use to do this. Within the foundation stage, the overall area is split into specific activities such as role play, home corner, writing table, messy area, quiet area and the outside area. The children can make decisions on when, how and for how long they stay at an activity. With all of the activities, there will be under pinned planned learning intentions and outcomes, some of which will have adult led or adult engagement involved. By letting the children play independently and by not interfering or leading the play, the children will develop social and emotional skills and learn to play alongside others or co-operatively. It enhances their imagination and creativity, develops communication and language skills as they work through ideas and concepts, also enabling the children to take risks and make mistakes and learn through their experiences. In involving the children in decision-making it will build on their confidence and self esteem and they will feel that their views and feelings are valued. K12 How to negotiate with children according to their age and stage of development. The first step in negotiation is to ask ‘what don’t you want to do and why. ‘ Using age related language, experience of the situation, the child and or children will in general be able to come to or reach an outcome. All children need choices it is not age specific, it depends on what level they are at in their development and understanding, for the choices that you give them. For example under 3 year olds, Its tidy up time, ask them to tidy away three things, give them a choice of what three things they are going to pick up. With children 3 years of age and over they start to learn for themselves about negotiating through their play by figuring out what the rules are, who’s going to go first, sharing toys and activities. As children get older it is important for them to be involved in negotiating and decision-making as it develops their ability to become responsible, understand consequences and prevents them from feeling excluded and powerless. Giving children choices puts the responsibility and power back into their hands. Within a school there are several ways in which you can negotiate with the children, including rewards such as stickers for those children who can undress independently for PE. For example if a few children who refuse to get changed, rewarding them with a sticker encourages them to try to undress independently or with our support. Maybe reward house points for good behaviour in following our ‘rules’ or trying really hard and working at their best ability. In the outside area we time the use of the bikes, scooter and cars so that all the children have a turn. We ensure that all the children have a choice of independent or adult led activities. When negotiating we are consistent with our actions and give the children explanations and consequences and listen to their views and feelings. K13 Strategies you can use to show children that you respect their individuality Keys to good practice: Provide activities that encourage self-expression. Provide opportunities within the foundation stage in creative development for the children to express themselves in exploring different media such as painting, drawing and modelling. The children can develop their imagination and expression in songs, music and dance, imaginative play and role play. Celebrate diversity by learning about each other’s culture, religion and beliefs. Encourage the children to listen and talk to each other in our weekly show and tell activity where the children can share a special toy, achievement or a special outing with us and their peers. Provide open-ended activities that children can put their own ‘stamp’ on. Allow the children free flow play where they can make up their own rules and games by providing different areas for role play and activities. Have independent activities based around our themed topics in which the children can expand on such as ‘buildings’. The children make 3D and 2D â€Å"Three little pigs† houses which is an adult led activity. By allowing them different mediums the children independently made houses by chalking out a town in our outside area, making houses with constructions toys, junk modelling, tents, and building their own using building bricks and homemade cement. Avoid comments that single children out as being different. Ensure that we listen and talk to the children include them in choices and decision making, acknowledge their interests and abilities by respecting their backgrounds, experiences and culture. Acknowledge children’s particular strengths and talents. Ensure that you respond to the children in different ways depending on their personalities. We share achievements or talents in special assemblies where the children can show their certificates or their talents to the rest of their peers. Show interest in things that the children enjoy doing. By knowing the children really well you can encourage them to try a new way of completing an activity such as if you know a child likes painting try to persuade them to try a different medium like a collage or junk modeling to create a picture. K14 How to balance the needs of individual children with those of the group as a whole. Within the setting daily routines of which the children have to adhere to such as registration and weekly timetable to adhere to. The school’s planning process involves grouping the children together by learning ability, style, physical and social groups and the teaching resources and levels are matched and deployed to deliver different styles of teaching to these different groups. K15 The importance of clear communication with children and specific issues that may arise in bilingual and multilingual settings All communication is a two way process and it is paramount when working with children that you listen carefully, question, understand and respond in a positive manner to what is being communicated to you. This will give the children the fundamental skills to take part in family life, school, employment and social activities. Within the setting we provide opportunities for the children to development their communication and language skills by different activities: It is important to give children clear communication and sufficient time to express themselves. †¢Showing our understanding and respect. †¢Giving children confidence and self esteem. †¢Encouraging independence. †¢Children can express their feelings and views. †¢Encourages socialising skills. †¢Gives children choice. †¢Showing we understand their needs. †¢Develops their language and communication skills. Also within our setting we have several children who are bilingual and multilingual with two or more languages these children have extra weekly support from our EAL co-ordinator. With these children we also ensure that we give clear and understandable instructions and in some cases use hand gestures or picture clues to help with their understanding. K16 Why it is important for children to ask questions, offer ideas and suggestions and how you can help them do this †¢It makes them feel part of the school. †¢They can have their say. †¢Gives the children a sense of responsibility. †¢Encourages their independence and confidence. †¢They will have a sense of belonging and pride in their school. †¢The children’s views and opinions are being listened to. †¢They will look after the new area or equipment (respect it). †¢Gives the children choices. †¢Builds relationships. †¢Develops their communication and language skills †¢They feel respected and valued. †¢They will explore and experience different activities / environments. †¢Develops their knowledge and understanding of the world. I feel that this is important to include the children in decisions about their environment, activities and learning opportunities because it gives them a sense of responsibility, independence and they will feel respected and valued. We do this by ensuring that the children have time to ask questions in a relaxed and natural way throughout their school day. K17 Why it is important to listen to children? It is important to listen to children so they know that you are interested in what they say and that you care for them. You also get to learn about the child when they are talking to you, for example if you need to help them with their language development or help them in their learning. †¢The children will feel that you are not interested in them. †¢Demonstrates that you are a role model to the children. †¢It builds the children’s self esteem and confidence. †¢It builds on good relationships with the children and other adults. †¢The children feel respected and will be happy to share suggestions and decisions. †¢Develops the children’s communication and language. †¢Helps the children to learn socialising, negotiation skills and independence. †¢The children may need to disclose a safeguarding incident. †¢It shows that we understand the children’s needs. K18 How to respond to children in a way that shows you value what they have to say and the types of behaviour that could show that you do not value their ideas and feelings. All children respond well to positive reinforcement of expected behaviour boundaries. By just giving general statements such as â€Å"do not interrupt† or â€Å"well done† does not reinforce or teach good values. Also by asking open questions you can demonstrate that you are listening to the child and or children and giving them time to express their feelings, views and opinions. K19 The importance of being sensitive to communication difficulties with children and how to adapt the way you communicate to different situations. Communication difficulties with children: †¢Hearing difficulties or deaf. †¢Poor vision or blind. †¢Ill health. †¢Special educational needs. †¢Physical disability. †¢Poor language skills or English as an additional language. †¢Disruptive child. †¢Speech problems. Cultural Differences and English as an additional language 1. Smile and have friendly facial expressions. 2. Use hand gestures to gain understanding. 3. Use pictures. 4. Show warmth and encouragement. 5. Use culturally relevant learning materials. 6. Group EAL co-ordinator who shares the same home language. 7. Have some key words in their home language. 8. Use translator. 9. Always treat children with respect and as individuals. 10. Ensure that you take into account their cultural differences, their life experiences and the way they prefer to communicate. 11. Respond appropriately to their non-verbal communication. Hearing impairment 1. Ensure that you always speak clearly and listen carefully. 2. Remove all distractions. 3. Always check and ensure hearing aids are working. 4. Use written communication if age appropriate. 5. Use sign language if and when appropriate. 6. Use a trained interpreter if a high level of skill is required. 7. Explain things using short, clear sentences and draw or use pictures, as required, to illustrate what you mean. 8. Use physical objects when learning new words or concepts. 9. Ensure the child as your full attention and that you maintain eye contact. Visual impairment 1. Use methods of multi-sensory interactions such as touch, sounds and smell. 2. Use different tones of voice with lots of expression. 3. Do not rely on non-verbal communication. 4. Use environmental sounds. 5. Develop routines when interacting with the child, such as using their name and touch in a consistent manner. Have clear signals that show the beginning and the end of your exchanges. 6. When explaining an activity or object ensure all visual communication is clear and understandable. Physical and learning Disabilities 1. Use alternative and augmentative communication such as hand gestures and eye pointing. 2. Use visual aids such as communication boards or displays, photographs, drawings and symbols to represent words or activities. 3. Use chat books or photograph album containing photographs, pictures, symbols, words and messages. 4. Use speech generating devices such as communication boards or displays on a machine which speak a message when a particular button is pressed. 5. Use spelling, using an alphabet board or typing device to spell out words and messages. 6. Use formal signing or signing which is particular to an individual. 7. Use object symbols that include normally objects or small versions of objects which represent an activity, object or person. Such as a set of car keys can represent it is time to go in the car. 8. Use a multi-sensory approach when providing information and learning taking into account the five senses and present information and activities in a different way enhancing learning and involving the children by doing, touching and seeing. 9. Ensure that your surroundings are appropriate and accessible. 10. Judge correct level of understanding. 11. Respond at the correct level repeating information when necessary. 12. Be prepared to wait and listen carefully. These children can be supported by: †¢Senco. †¢Parents. †¢Children under two by the health visitor. †¢EAL co-ordinator. †¢Other professionals †¢Nurture assistant. In terms of our physical environment we have no children with visual or speech impairments or with physical disabilities within the current foundation stage. So therefore we have no need of changing our different areas to accommodate any of these children. I would ensure that we accommodated these children by ensuring that the environment was spacious and accessible, bringing activities to their level or the floor. I would also use more visual and tactile aids. K20 How you can help the children to understand the value and importance of positive relationships with others. Within our school we encourage the children to develop positive relationships with others by praising good behaviour and following our rules. We act as positive role models such as praising nice manners. I have a rule for example, that if you accidently kick a ball over the fence I will let the children retrieve it if they can ask me with lovely manners. If they don’t ask nicely I make them wait and think about what would be a polite way of asking to retrieve the ball, thus instilling positive and desired behaviour. K21 The importance of children valuing and respecting other people’s individuality and how you can encourage and support this. †¢Act as a role model showing that you respect others individuality, feelings, views, ideas and cultures. †¢Have positive images and toys, books and dolls within your setting. †¢Have activities that encourage negotiation, sharing and building on relationships. †¢Demonstrate positive behaviour. †¢Have activities which encourage the children to talk to, listen and find out about others. K22 Why it is important for children to understand and respect other people’s feelings and how you can encourage and support this. †¢Stops the children’s frustration. †¢The children will feel that their feelings are being viewed. †¢Encourages empathy and social skills. †¢Encourages and promotes positive and expected behaviour. †¢Builds relationships. †¢Develops the children’s communication and language. †¢Develops personal, social and emotional skills. †¢Develops the children’s knowledge and understanding of the world. K23 Why it is important to be consistent and fair in dealing with positive and negative behaviour. †¢Being consistent and fair the children will understand right and wrong. †¢The children will understand expected behaviour boundaries and rules. †¢The children will understand consequences. †¢The children will understand that you are not showing favouritism. †¢The children will understand what is acceptable and what is not. Within my setting we reward positive behaviour with praise and other recognition such as house points and stickers. This is done in the presence of the child’s peers to encourage and reinforce positive and desired behaviour. With negative behaviour, if safe to do so we give no attention as it is often a play by the child for your attention. However, some unsafe and disruptive behaviour must be addressed immediately in a consistent and fair manner. K24 Strategies you can use to encourage and reinforce positive behavior Children may have negative behaviour due to: 1. Lack of sleep. 2. Feeling unwell. 3. Problems at home. 4. Sibling rivalry. 5. Tension at home. 6. Some children do not know how to play with others. 7. Bored and frustrated. 8. Lack confidence in socialising with others. We acknowledge positive behaviour and give reasons behind any boundaries such as we walk in school because we might fall over and hurt ourselves or others. We are consistent and fair by rewarding praise, house points and stickers for following the rules. We control negative behaviour by reinforcing and reminding the children of our rules. K25 Strategies you can use to challenge and deal with different types of behaviour which are consistent with your organisation’s policies The school policy aims and expectations are that every member of the school community feels valued and respected and that each person is treated fairly and well. The school’s policy encourages and promotes good relationships and that we work together to help everyone learn. We also aim to help the children grow in a safe and secure environment and for them to become positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the school community. The school’s main ethos is to reward good behaviour as it believes that this will develop an environment of kindness and co-operation. The school employs sanctions to negative behaviour which are appropriate to each individual child, taking into consideration each child’s needs and the issue. The role of members of staff are to ensure that the rules are enforced in their class, that each individual child is treated fairly and consistently, to monitor repeated incidents and to seek advice from appropriate leadership team if necessary. We also use behaviour observations to help us understand the needs of the individual child such as requiring extra support from key worker, SENCO, EAL Co-ordinator, Management or other professionals. We also use different strategies and resources such as SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) to help individual children with their behaviour. K27 Why it is important to encourage and support positive relationships between children and other adults in the setting and strategies you can use to do this †¢It demonstrates that you are showing respect and sensitively. †¢Promotes good and positive behaviour. †¢Act as a role model for the children. †¢Promotes good communication in a caring and clear way. †¢It promotes good manners. †¢The children feel that they are listened too and that you value what they have to say. †¢It creates a positive atmosphere and environment where the children feel welcome and valued. †¢Promotes a friendly, consistent environment where the children will feel their views are worthwhile. †¢Ensure that you always give reasons and take time to explain your thoughts and actions. The main strategies that we use in the school are we work very closely in a team in the Foundation Area; we have a consistent approach with dealing with the children’s behavioural issues. We encourage the children to interact and build on relationships with all of us by acting as role models and by reinforcing our key rules. We also spend time with all the children across both classrooms in teaching and delivering our planned activities each week including taking phonics sessions, guided reading sessions, show and tell, PE and music, key person story time and supervision of the outside area. We have effective communication across the team to enable us all to keep up to date with any issues such as medical conditions, negative behaviour incidents, records of ongoing assessments / observations, developmental progress and achievements of the children in our care. K28 Why positive relationships with other adults are important. As a practitioner it is important that you maintain and have positive relationships with all adults that you come in contact with to support and develop the children in your care to grow into secure, confident and happy people. Having collaboration and support from parents, colleagues and other professionals will enable you to develop strong relationships which will enhance and benefit the children by demonstrating positive and desired behaviour. The children will cope better with transitions from home to school, to new classroom, to new staff and or support from other professionals. K29 Why it is important to show respect for other adults’ individuality and how to do so ? It’s important to respect other

Customer LIfestyle and Behaviour

According to ‘DC, it is important for local companies in Malaysia to have a good understanding of the marketplace for their products and their target customers before engaging themselves in online retailing to ensure that they are able to develop more effective ND meet the requirements and expectations of their online shopping customers (Deadline Chug AFAIK Hard, All. Kuwaiti, and Husbanding bin Small, 2006) Demographic influences online consumer behavior Demographic based on variables like age, gender, income and occupation which can influence consumer behavior dramatically.Age Graph 1: Statistic for Malaysian Online Shopping- Age Sources: http://humanities. Com. My/blob/online-shopping-statistics-in- Malaysia. HTML Graph 1 above shows the Malaysian online shopping which affected by age. Statistic shows the highest rank is 26 years old to 30 years old because most of hem are single and non-married nations and they have the ability to purchase in online shopping. However, the l owest rank of the age is 21 years old and below because majorities are students and they do not have financial to purchase products and services instead of their financial is control by their parents.Gender Figure 1: Percentages of gender in online shopping Sources: http://UCLA. Com/business-hemline-shopping-scenes tm_source=afterburner=feed=Feed:+Kclau+ In perception of genders, statistic shows that males (56%) are more active on online purchasing while the females (44%) are catching up. This is because most of males are sensitive in technology gadgets and they are better in purchasing convenience important products. Whereas, females purchase products emotionally and individually, which means most of the time they purchase clothes, shoes, bags, cosmetics etc.Especially females who are below 21 years old always purchase K-pop stuffs via online shopping. Income Table 1: Income in Malaysia Sources: http://www. acAcademiaedDueownload Figure above shows the average of MaMalaysianannual income. Nations who earned less than RMARMY000 will always enjoy online shopping because they can look for cheaper products. However, the frequency of online shopping will decrease if the income increasing because they have ability to purchase expensive and quality products Occupation Chart 1: Statistic for Malaysian Online Shopping maMalaysiahtHTMLigure above shows the statistic of online shopping.The statistic shows that top management executive always used to online shopping as they need to up-to-date for the new products, technologies and systems so that they can earn the profit and reduce the cost. However, most of the retired and unemployed nations are laggards and they are not familiar to online shopping. Online buying behavior There are Top 6 Online shopping sites in Malaysia. However, each online shopping site has their own characteristics and specialty. LeLongmyMynd eBay Malaysia are the most popular local auction in Malaysia that you can search for the cheapest price of g adgets, DSDSSSLameras, computers and fashions.Customers also can look for discount and great offer in this website. ZaAzaleamyMynd LuLovelaceashion are the most well-known boutique websites that every customer loves to browse especially females because they can buy a lot of clothes, bags and shoes without shipping cost and every purchased items will send to house. SuSuperblyalaysia is backed by MaMaybugor shop luxury and quality products online at affordable cost. Whereas BeBustyorld is the online shop for cosmetics, fragrances, skin care, make up and health care.Table 2: Summary of Top 6 online websites (self-made) Frequency of Shopping Online Table 3: Frequency of Shopping Online Sources: http://ssSSLaiApplobal. coComN/asAsiaxpress/archives/1090 Chart 2: Frequency of Shopping Online Sources: Self-made According to table 3 and chart 2, the highest percentage of frequency of shopping online is about once a month (24%) and the lowest percentage of frequency of hopping online is almos t every day (1 This is because MaMalaysianre busy in their work and family and there are some people who are still believe that the security still dangerous.Respondents purchase online Table 4. ; What respondents purchase online ; http://ssSSLaiApplobal. coComN/asAsiaxpress/archives/1090 Sources. Chart 3. Based on the table 4 and chart 3, clothes and fashion accessories are the highest percentage which MaMalaysianill purchase online because there are many types of cheap clothes and they can shop around before purchase. ZaAzaleamyMys the example f clothes and fashion accessories website. Figure 2: ZaAzaleamyMyources: http://www. zaAzaleacoComy/YHowever, the lowest percentage of purchase online is white (major) appliances such as refrigerator because consumers prefer to see the quality of the appliances more than the price. If the quality of appliances is higher and the usage is long, consumers will afford to purchase if the price is not so expensive. Reasons of purchasing online Base d on the pilot test, 73% of MaMalaysianre prefer to purchase clothes and fashion accessories because it is hard to find suitable clothes in a day and it is wasting of immimef they purchase via offline shopping.They can do some research like price, shipping cost, services and varieties of products from different website. Besides, 40% of MaMalaysianoves to purchase books from online because there are some books are not selling in Malaysia such as â€Å"DuDeducefrom China. These books are recommended by every Chinese teacher but due to the low demand, these are not supply in Malaysia. So, MaMalaysianho are interested in these books only can purchase via online. Moreover, they will save their money as they will only direct and focus on what they should purchase.Unlike offline shopping, MaMalaysianill buy additional items instead of purchase their needs and wants such as physical stores that use the product placement and sales to attract them to purchase items. In addition, there are 25 % of the nations will purchase toys from online like minions, piupchucknd etc. Furthermore, 24% of MaMalaysianrefer to purchase medical supplies and cosmetics through online because some of the medical supplies and cosmetics difficult to purchase in Malaysia as they have not be approved by Malaysia's government. Environmental factor drives/discourages of online shoppingEnvironmental factor include political (also includes legal) and social which will influence the online shopping. In Malaysia, there are some cyber laws to protect nations for example Digital Signature Act 1997, Computer Crime Act 1997, The Copyright Act 1997, The Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 and The Electronic Government Activities Act 2007 (NiKnitmoMostgoGobmyMy2010). Those are positive influence to nations who are decided to have online purchasing. However, social cases have affected consumer bebehaviorhat there are negative incidents were happened for online purchasing.For example, nations fear of online purchasing because it is not security via online transaction, which means there will be spsparen your computer like personal data and account number will be detected and stolen. Negative impact from the environmental factor will be hard to boost up Malaysia's economic. Moreover, It is hard to identify the quality of the product like most of teenagers nowadays prefer to buy K-Pops' albums, posters and so on through online and they feel angry and disappointed that the products that they purchased are not in good quality.Psychological factor drives/discourages of online shopping MaMoscowierarchy can be used to represent the psychological factors which developed by Abraham MaMoscown year 1943. MaMoscowierarchy shows the drives and discourages of online shopping. Figure 3: MaMoscowierarchy Sources: http://www. psPsychologicallycoComlblobide-and-seek/201205/our-hierarchy- needs MaMascotsierarchy is used because MaMalaysianeed to have a comfortable and easy lifestyle. After they know the n eeds and wants via online purchasing, they will ask for safety which is security in morality, family, health and resources.However, if they got the negative feedback from friends and family, they will not onuntiedo purchase products and services via online. Meaning, nations must go through first step which is physiological before they enter to other layers. China Demographic Age Figure 1: percentage of age purchase online Source: http://www. fzFizzlingcoComnfo/view/2011 _6/1 51020438. htHTMLrom the graph we can see that 18-30 years old people is the most percentage to choose online shopping, the age below 18 percentage is almost similar with age between 31 and 35. Ages at 36 above are less to choose online shopping.We also can see that age between 18 and 24 the percentage growth very fast. Basic this, we can now that in China, young people are more prefer online shopping than old people. Figure 2: percentage of income purchase online Source: http://www. emNearsightedlycoComouurinals htHTMLarArticled723343&sh0†². FhFifthhe online purchase group in China is more in low-income family. It is get 62. 9%. (Lower than CNCCNY000 per month); the middle incomes get 35. 5%. (Higher than CNCCNY000 but lower than CNCCNY0000 per month); and the high income family percentage lust 1. 6%).Gender Figure 3: Gender percentage of China online purchase. Source: http://www. liLionfishcoComcnCNNeb/oversea_show. asAspsArArticled34279 From this graph, we can see that online purchase in China, male is more than female. It is have different with our traditional concept. The male to female ratio was 5. 4: 4. 6, slightly more male consumers. Occupation Figure 4: Occupation percentage of online shopping Source: http://www. liLionfishcoComcnCNNeb/oversea_show. asAspsArArticled34279 For occupation, student this group is get percentage 20. 4%. Technical, worker and basic social worker almost get 39. %. However, the high level managers Just get 2. 2%. From there we can see that the distribu tion of Job, age, income is the same. Education Figure 5: Education of online shopping From this graph, we can see that the education has negative relationship with the percentage of online shopping. The more education level higher, they will lesser online shopping. Online buying behavior There are a lot of online shoppers in China. But mainly market is share by around 9 brand of online shopping company. The first place for China online market is TmTamaleIt can get around 50. 8% market shares.And the second place is JiJinglingIt can get around 17. 1% market shares. The third place is TeTangentIt can get around 5. 6% market shares. The details are as below: Figure 6: market shares of China online sales Source: http://www. chCinematographiccoCom836/china-online-shopping-market- snapshot-for-q2sq013/ Frequency of item purchase online Figure 6: Frequency of purchase online in China Source: http://www. reArchdiocesancoComtHTMLeport/2010/5970. htHTMLn China, most people online shopping ar e about twice to four times per month. And only 3. 8% people no shopping online experience.As this research, we can find that online shopping is very general in China Attitude Nowadays, online shopping becomes more and more popular in China. In these 10 years, more Chinese choose purchase online. Especially the young generation, they refer purchase online than shopping at store. During the survey, there are 47. 4% people prefer online shopping, 40% have no attitude and 12. 6% people dislike online shopping. (ReRestheHerscoCom2013) Some of people who have online shopping experience worried about the quality of the product and the post purchase service.During the survey, around 55% people worried about the quality, and 27. 1% people worried about the post purchase service. (ReRestheHerscoCom2013) So the most online shopping people's attitude is choosing the famous online shopping website and good evaluate shopping store. Reasons of making purchases Price Online product is always cheap er than the one in shopping mall. It is because online shopping can save the capital for rent store, transportation, and so on. And there is no agent to deduct a percentage from a sum of money. So the price is always cheap for customers.Compare For online shopping website, there are thousands of stores for the customer, and every store has different products for customer to choose. So the consumer can easily to compare the same product from different brand or store. It is better for consumer to make evaluation. Time Online shopping can save time for the people who do not have enough time for hopping. Shopping online Just clicks the mouse, and then you can purchase what you want. It is fast and easy for you. Environmental and psychological affect online shopping Environmental In China, the environmental pollution is a big problem.The automobile exhaust is the one reason leads that. So the companies provide the website for people shopping online. It can decline the pollution and make a healthful life style. For the customer, they also prefer online shopping. The environmental pollution is bad for the health. People inhale hazardous substance can lead many types of disease. The bad weather lsalsoan lead less shopping for sell in store. But online shopping will not have this kind problem. Whatever raining, snowing, or clouding outside, it will no effect of online shopping. For the company, it will keep the sale stabilized.For the online shopper, they can purchase their favorites product any time. So the environment can affect online shopping. Psychological Online shopping no needing use the real money, they usually use the credit card to pay. The customers do not have the behavior pay the real money, it will lead they have less conscious of money, thus no control for purchase. For the online shopping ommanyit is an advantage thing. But for customers, they usual regret after purchase. In another hand, online shopping have model to show the product to the consumers. The visual stimulation also is a point that leads more purchase behavior. People believe that the same effect of product will come to their own. Actually, different people suit for different things. Model has standard stature, and beautiful face. But not all the consumer has that. So we can see that the psychological also a point to affect online shopping. Japan Demographic influences online consumer behavior of Japanese in terms of age, ncincomegender and occupation (KoKettlend Keller, 2012). Age In terms of age, Japanese are mostly made up of generation of middle-age group of people.From the statistic shown below, Japan might not encounter the same issue of aging like Singapore as the number of young-born generation is increasing and there is a pro for Japan to accelerate their economic transformation. Figure: Average age of Japanese Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication Gender in Japan Figure: Average Gender in Japan From the graph above, it is vivid that the wom en dominated the Japan population, and then followed by men. There is about 25. 5 million of married couple which forms their family. Only a small part of people are in widow state.Disposable Income Figure: Disposable income of Japanese families It is analyzed that a family with a working head-of-household had a gross income of Yen 562,094. It is notable that the steep increase in disposable income in December. This is due to the year-end bonuses that Japanese workers received. Occupation and Lifestyle There are six type of popular occupation in Japan which is teacher, fisherman, models, physical therapist, engineer and chef. Japanese people enjoy a high standard f living, and nearly 90% of the population consider themselves part of the middle class.However, many studies on happiness and satisfaction with life tend to find that Japanese people average relatively low levels of life satisfaction and happiness. Japan Consumer Online Shopping Behavior Figure 1. 0: Frequency of online sh opping in Japan Source: http://ssSSLaiApplobal. coComN/asAsiaxpress/archives/1090 From the analysis of the chart above, it can be identified that the online shopping behavior of Japanese is very active. 36% of the respondents will shop online for almost every week. The highest number of Japanese, about 18% will shop online for about once every two weeks.In general, Japanese online shopping is categorized as purchased online regularly as more of the people will be online shopping within a month. Figure 2. 0: Frequency of items purchased online in Japan From the above chart, it can be analyzed that most of the Japanese like to purchase the clothes and fashion accessories by online shopping. This is due to the modern thinking and Y-generation style. The second preferred items that Japanese purchase online are food and drinks. This includes the fast food restaurants as the people owdoodadsre very busy of their hectic life and work. After that, it is followed by books category.This inclu des the magazines, newspapers, e-books and so on. This is quite common among Japanese because they like reading pretty much. Meanwhile, stationeries and major appliances shared the same dividend of 5% respectively. Toys score the least for 4% because the parents are more likely to bring their children to buy the toys in shopping complex rather than online shopping. Reasons for Japanese to make such Purchases Generally, Japanese perceive online shopping to be convenience (71 %) and easy 29%), with 62% of the respondents claiming that online shopping is easier than shopping via offline catalogue and telephone (Freeze, 2000).In the pilot test survey, a questionnaire is distributed and the respondents are allowed to make more than one reasons of purchasing online. For Japanese, according to website of online shopping behavior in Asia(2013), 78% of the respondents indicated that secure payment facility and convenient payment methods are the driving force. This is because they are confide nt towards the money transfer between bank and mobile phone which needs deidentificationhen they purchase online.From the website of online shopping behavior in Asia(2013) too, 86% of the respondents viewed that price and value is the most important factors because many times for conventional shopping they tend to spend a lot more than the required expenses like eating out and trtravelingFrom the analysis too, it can be identified that Japanese are really not concerned about the reputation of the website and customer service of the website. For 82% of them provide opinions that low delivery charges will be their major concern since some of he websites provide free shipping of they purchase till certain amount of money (Freeze, 2000).Furthermore, Japanese are quite neutral towards the speedy transaction of the website. Plus, 70% of them are more focus towards promotional offers because they can find great deals everywhere, that made up for shipping and handling fees (Freeze, 2000). E nvironmental Factors Drives/Discourage Online Shopping Japan has always been perceived as one of the world's healthiest societies. Japanese consumers are increasingly conscious of their health. Despite the issue of pollution ndNDegree of polluted of environmental factor, Hawkins and MoMotherboards010) mentioned that Japanese more likely to purchase online.Besides that, they would not have the problem of finding a parking place. This means that environmental consciousness has been emerging and results in active online shopping in Japan. A survey conducted last year by the global advertising agency J. Walter Thompson found that 51 percent of Japanese consumers are more focused on the environment(ScCoffmannd KaSankt al, 2010). The survey found that the Japanese will buy environmental friendly products in the next five years extensively.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Family Effects on Criminal Behavior Essay

It is rare for a person to see someone, who comes from a â€Å"good† family per say, to get into criminal behavior but it does happen. These people are brought up in this world with high standards and at some point they just can’t take it. They’re brought up with high expectations on them so when they can’t be met they find a way to cope. They turn to things, such as drug abuse, to make it through their situations. Others are just anti-social so they don’t know another way out but to turn to something that will accept them. Family has a major effect on what they’ll do. If they expect them how they are flaws and all they’re more likely to stay away from criminal behavior. But if they expect nothing but perfection and then are shunned on for not meeting those standards, they find a way to cope. They turn to things that you wouldn’t expect them to do. They’re brought up to high expectations. Then there’s people who aren’t brought up in a â€Å"good family† and don’t turn to the criminal behavior. These people are doing it for themselves. They saw what it was like to come from a â€Å"poor family† and don’t want to be that way the rest of their lives. They know what it’s like to live without the things they need and they want better for their future. They aren’t held to meet high expectations so any type of accomplishment they met is highly looked upon. But then there is the person who was brought up in a â€Å"good family† and isn’t looked upon as doing something so amazing. They just break at some point. But the ones who don’t come from a â€Å"good† family are given praise. People that come from a â€Å"good† family have more pressure on them to be a better person. They have high family values to meet. In Agnew’s Sources of Strain and Their Consequences it states one of the sources of strain is failure to achieve goals and one of the negative affective states could be anger or frustration. So then they turn to drug abuse or violence. But in some cases it’s not the family who has the effect on them. Because in the social learning theory it states that, people act aggressively because, as children, they modeled after the violent acts of adults. So when people are brought up in this world with those role models they try to be just like them. So a person’s acts aren’t only affected by their family. But their family does have a great deal on how they’ll be in the future. Though it is more likely for people that come from a disadvantaged family to turn to crime, there are always exceptions to everything. People can come from a good family and still turn to crime. They find a way to be individual, to stand out from the rest of the family. They want to have their own individuality and be paid attention to and if crime is the only way they are seen, the crime is what they will turn to. As for people who come from a poor family they may want to be able to give back to their family what they couldn’t be given. They strive to be different and stand out from the rest of their family. They too are looking for individuality.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies Research Paper

Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies - Research Paper Example The third section of the paper will analyze the competitive environment of Tata Motors Limited and then determine the company’s main competitors and their strategies at each level. The fourth section would seek to determine whether the strategies for the long-term success of the competitors would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets. Tata Motors Limited Tata Motors Limited is a publicly traded corporation within the motor industry, and according to Witzel (2010), the company is a multinational car manufacturer whose headquarters is located in Mumbai, India and it is a subsidiary of the Tata Group Plc. Tata Motors Limited was formed in 1945 and specializes in the production of automotive parts and automobiles that comprise of vans, trucks, buses, coaches, passenger cars, and military vehicles. Perhaps among the most widely known products of Tata Motors Limited include the Tata Nano, Tata Daewoo, Jaguar Land Rover, and Tata Ace. Additionally, the company also offers servi ces that include vehicle service and vehicle leasing (Witzel, 2010). Tata Motors Limited has established an international presence that is supported by the manufacturing and assembling plants that are located across various regions within India, and other countries such as the United Kingdom, Argentina, Thailand, and South Africa. Additionally, the company also has various research and development centers in India as well as in the United Kingdom, Spain, and South Korea (Witzel, 2010). In the ranking of Tata Motors Limited, Witzel (2010) stated that the company is listed in three key stock markets that include the New York Stock Exchange, the National Stock Exchange of India, and the Bombay Stock Exchange. The company was ranked at position 314 in the 2012 Fortune Global 500 list of world’s biggest corporations whose profit in the last financial year was $2.28 billion. Tata Motors’ business-level strategy With reference to the writings by Kim and Mauborgne (2005), they wrote that it is through business-level strategies that organizations are able to meet the needs as well as the expectations of their customers and hence post good returns. According to Hiriyappa (2010), business-level strategies stipulate on actions, which can gave value to customers and enable a business organization to gain competitive advantage through the effective utilization of core competences in service or product markets. Additionally, Hiriyappa (2010) stated that business level strategy mainly focus on a company’s position within the industry in relation to the five market forces and even the competitors. Kim and Mauborgne (2005) stated that there are four key business-level strategies that are commonly used to provide organizations with a competitive edge in the market and they include cost leadership, differentiation, focused differentiation, and an integrated low-cost-differentiation strategy. With reference to the business model of Tata Motors Limited and the writings by Witzel (2010), it is correct to assert

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Credit Risk Assessment of Bank Customers using DEMATEL and Fuzzy Research Paper - 1

Credit Risk Assessment of Bank Customers using DEMATEL and Fuzzy Expert System - Research Paper Example The research is carried out using data from the Middle East Region of the Asia. Banking has become a necessity to individuals who require safe storage of their financial assets(Bilal,7). Among commercial banking various benefits, some risks are associated with them especially credit risk which requires management for any bank institution to make profits for its stakeholder and investors. Assessment of credit risk is necessary for sustainability of banking institutions especially in the Islamic realm where moral laws such as shari’ah and social justice are adopted in order to preserve customer associations, reasonable dealing, protection and precautions of staff amongst others(Bilal,7). Management of credit involves mitigating the exploitation of the risk, which is applied by including credit scoring models that serve as structures for providing credit to customers. Research has been conducted on how to evaluate credit risk with success factors being evident in the use of GA-based SVM and Rough set theory that provided effectiveness in data mining therefore contributing a positive impact on risk restructuring(Jianguo and Bai, 3). Other studies included credit risk assessment with support vector machines and hybrid neutral systems that resulted in robustness in the use of fuzzy logic in real time applications to solve problems specifically in credit risk management(Shin, Lee and Kim, 130). This paper concentrates on credit risk assessment using Dematel and fuzzy expert systems applying credit scoring models. The objective of this paper is to study consumers’ credit risks that are obtained from previous research that includes financial ratios obtained from banking balance sheets. Rules are used to determine the correlation between consumers’ financial credit risk levels and resultant financial circumstances that is improved by expert decision making that is from filtered financial ratios(Amorim, Vasconcelos and Brasil,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Comparative study Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Comparative study - Coursework Example The major theme of the play is to portray the heroism of women and to portray how women overcome the bullying of the selfish men. The play is a very serious aspect of the society with a comical touch and also excellent use of language across the whole play. The major theme of the play is to provide a view of how women are able to become self respecting and overcome all the hurdles poised by men. Inside I’m Dancing is a very strong story that revolves around freedom, love, friendship. The movie has portrayed a situation of two young men in wheelchairs and how they need to experience all the above stated emotions. The movie has led to a number of controversies for the immaturity that is portrayed and how the individuals have been shown to be naive and emotionally immature. However it is an excellent film with a great script and excellent performances. After examining and analyzing the film, play and the novel, it is clear that all these three have a common factor. All three revolve around the three major elements of life, i.e. love, friendship and freedom. Each of three have portrayed that every culture and every life around the world need all the three above mentioned elements in life. Irrespective of whether people are from different cultures, irrespective of whether they are normal or have any kinds of health issues and also irrespective of the class that people belong to, every person requires the three major elements in life. The freedom of women and the ability of women to overcome all issues across the worlds is a strength that women need to recognize and work towards gaining their complete freedom. Also the love and friendship among friends and the need to share a common interest is another essential aspect that has been discussed. This study has allowed for a clearer view of the various aspects of life which have been ov erlooked in the daily rush of work and other activities. This comparison is an eye opener to understanding the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Change in Food pricesin the last 10 years(choose one of the food Essay

Change in Food pricesin the last 10 years(choose one of the food commodities) - Essay Example Factors that influence the changes in prices of cereal when compared to overall prices of food are undertaken. There is also a discussion on the relationship between food prices and oil prices. To better examine and understand how food prices are changing, the FAO uses a metric known as food price index to measure changes in food prices on a monthly basis, an average of which is extended to yearly determination of changes in food prices. Below, data are presented to examine how cereal prices have changed over the last 10 years as compared to overall food prices. The cereals price index and food price index of the FAO are used in these analyses. The food price index is made up of the average of 5 food group price indices which are meat price index, diary price index, cereals price index, vegetable oil price index, and sugar price index (FAO, 2014). Cereals price index is on the other hand comprised of prices of such cereal products as wheat, rice, and maize. Figure 1 below compares food price index as an average of all food prices to cereal prices from 2005 to 2014. From figure 1 and table 1, it is seen that the prices of cereals as compared to overall food prices have alternated from 2005 to 2014. What this implies is that whenever food prices go up, cereal prices come down. At the same time, when food prices go down, cereal prices begin to rise. This has been the trend without any change. It can also be seen that from 2005 food and cereal prices both rose sharply till the middle of 2008 when prices began to fall. The fall however lasted for only 12 months till the middle of 2009 and prices started rising again till the last quarter of 2011, since which time there has been a steady decline. The data above shows two major trends, one of which is the periods within the last 10 years when prices have gone up and when prices have come down. This section tries to compare the trend of changes

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Joseph Epstein The Perpetual Adolescent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Joseph Epstein The Perpetual Adolescent - Essay Example This argumentative paper aims to defend my view of growing up and gaining maturity that should also be projected by media. The defensive account will be made in the paper by taking examples from Epstein’s article into consideration. The reason why I consider growing up as a wise phase in life is due the experience of older people that have allowed the young ones to learn from and understand the difference between right and wrong. The distinction between the adolescents and older people is in terms of experience. I would say that gone are the days when men and women were proud of the fact that they were growing wiser. Epstein has also stressed on the same view in his article by comparing example of intellect of older people with Aristotle (Epstein). Similarly, older generation needs to understand that they have the power of experience that would allow them to have a mature approach towards life. Maturity should be considered as an asset by the older generations, which is now no t given due consideration. It is because even older people are impressed by the false youth culture being projected by the media. Such a claim as per my observation becomes easy to understand by considering modern day older women as an example of this. Older women are no more reluctant to follow fashion trends displayed by young models in the media (Epstein). American women who are growing wiser must understand the distinction between youthfulness and adulthood, and then follow the trends. Similar example has also been given by Epstein in his article stating that women undergo a great deal of plastic surgeries just to look young because they think that being young and by following adolescent culture they will be valued more. However, the true attractive feature of women is when she grows older and wiser (Epstein). I believe that Epstein’s view on the faded line of distinction between the youth and adulthood in terms of the American nation is correct. At one hand, being young is not dire as adolescents have a lot of energy because they get to see new in life and are full of creativity; while on the other hand, becoming older and wise is a blessing as individuals have already been through crucial moments of life. But it should be noted that the media has misinterpreted the distinction between these two phases of life. The American nation has become a victim of the media’s agenda to sell youth culture depriving the confidence of living a life with wisdom and maturity (Epstein). I have also observed that our society has also accepted the youthful culture being projected by media in this way. This acceptance has led lives of adult to become miserable, as they have started to run after the youthful culture. The point to be noted here is that the adults are chasing youthful trends and culture which has passed them long before and it is about time that they must live with mature decision-making in every aspect of life. Society and media should go hand in hand to make a difference in people’s view for growing older and wiser. Media should celebrate experience of older people by appreciating them. Media should enhance the need of maturity that is lacking in the American society (Epstein). Through the above counter arguments, it could be said that adolescences have the energy that can create implications of a vision. Youth can be strong

Independent topic Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Independent topic - Speech or Presentation Example In professional polling the importance of sampling validity is immeasurable. The first step is to fully identify the sampling frame from the population that the poll seeks to represent. This is followed by a random selection of a small percentage from within the sampling frame to represent the entire population targeted by that poll. Random here implies that everyone has an equal chance to be selected and this can only be achieved if the method chosen to identify individuals to be interviewed is free of bias. Even though Statistics postulates that the actual number of people interviewed for a given sample is less important than the soundness of ‘randomness’ employed in the process, you still need to balance the economic cost of sample sizes with the desired level of accuracy required. Accuracy of plus or minus three percentage points margin of error is the acceptable level for professional polls. Once the individual to be interviewed has been identified it is important not to change the selected person so as to eliminate possibility of bias. In the case of telephone sampling this would involve performing call-backs until such a time that selected individual is available. However, more importantly for the interview is the wording of the questions and the order in which they are set to be answered. Crafting fair and objective questions requires extensive knowledge of public opinion, care and discipline. To achieve this it is good practice to have exact wording of a question held constant from year to year to analyze trends and also to have multiple questions to help put the research within a certain context. These two practices come in handy when interpreting the poll results. Finally, for accountability purposes the polling company needs to make its data available to the public domain for any interested parties to draw their own conclusions about what the survey data means an d to assess whether the poll was conducted in a professional manner. The New York

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Declining bee populations and its global impact Research Paper

Declining bee populations and its global impact - Research Paper Example â€Å"The findings place a massive question mark over the increasingly controversial compounds, now the fastest growing family of insecticides in the world† (McCarthy). Exposure to the neonicotinoid insecticides is harmful for both the wild bumble bees and the honey bees. The compounds affect the bees by attacking their central nervous system. The quality of neonicotinoids that makes them potentially harmful for the bees is that these pesticides are systemic in nature, which is why they are consumed up by every part of the plant rather than just sitting on the plant’s surface. Like every part, the pesticides are also absorbed by the plant’s pollen as well as nectar. Accordingly, the bees ingest the pesticides as they carry the pollens despite they were not meant to be the original targets. Over the last decade, use of these compounds has caused a â€Å"colony collapse disorder† in the USA which is a condition that causes full beehive population to vanish i n no time. One of the two studies was conducted by the researchers from the University of Stirling. In the year 2010, almost 30% of the total cropland in the UK was treated with pesticides. The second study was conducted by the researchers belonging to the National Institute for Agronomic Research in Avignon in France under the leadership of Mikael Henry. These researchers studied the effects of the bees’ exposure to thiamethoxam which is a neonicotinid product. As a result of their research, the team found that even sub-lethal doses of the neonicotinid product have a serious impact on the homing abilities of the bees of the level that the bees developed a two to three times higher tendency of dying as compared to the untreated bees. The French researchers said, â€Å"Non-lethal exposure... causes high mortality due to homing failure, at levels that could put a colony at risk of collapse† (The French researchers cited in Rose). Since the researches are very recent and no subsequent results have surfaced to support or contradict the findings of these studies, this stage is preliminary to develop an utmost belief in the fact that neonicotinids are harmful for the health of the bees. Nevertheless, they should be avoided until proven harmless by future research. Professor David Goulson from the University of Stirling shares his view about this matter in these words, â€Å"I personally would like to see them not being used until more research has been done. If it confirms what we’ve found, then they certainly shouldn’t be used when they’re going to be fed on by bees† (Goulson cited in Zimmer). Many biologists attribute the decline of bee population to the increase in global warming as it creates the environmental conditions suitable for the growth of such pathogens as fungi, mites, and viruses which are potentially harmful for the bee colonies. In the recent years, frequent fluctuations between the hot and cold weather have been experienced. These weather fluctuations wreak havoc on the bees since they are used to living in the patterns of consistent seasonal weather. The weather sensitive bees cannot survive in the rapidly changing environment. More research is being conducted in order to find the causes of decline of the bee population. According to Galen Dively, an entomologist from the University of Maryland, â€Å"We’re going to see a lot of money poured into this problem. What we’re looking for is some commonality which can lead us to a cause†

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

EXP #4 Synthesis Zinc Iodide Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

EXP #4 Synthesis Zinc Iodide - Lab Report Example This paper details the results of an experiment to produce zinc iodide from the reaction of zinc with iodine, making use of the laboratory setup given to investigate aspects of the reaction relating to the conservation of mass, the identification of the limiting reagent, and the observations on the physical characteristics of the solution as it underwent the reaction (Spatafora, 2010; Nuffield Foundation, 2013). 600 mL of boiling water was prepared for use as a boiling bath with the use of a boiling chip. 2 grams of granular zinc and 2 grams of solid iodine. A setup consisting of zinc metal, iodine and boiling tube was weighed and tared, and 3 drops of 6.0 M acetic acid was added to 5.0 mL of water that had been deionized. This is acidic water that was then placed into the zinc, iodine and boiling tube setup. This is the key reaction for the experiment. The team waited for 15 minutes to let the reaction come to completion, with the boiling tube swirled until the completion of the reaction. This solution is then decanted via the pouring of the solution to a 50 mL beaker with a boiling chip, weighed. 3 mL of water that has been made acidic and used to rinse the boiling tube This washings were also decanted into the beaker. The water in the solid is then evaporated making use of a hot water bath. In the same way, the solution that had been decanted into the beaker was also rid of water via the use of a hot plate heated to 300 degrees Celsius. This led to the formation of the precipitate. The mass of the solid and the boiling tube was measured as well. The observations with regard to the color changes are as follows. In the beginning the color is dark brown. The color transitions to a reddish hue, and converts to a light brown. The color then transitions to a light yellow. The color gradually transitions to paler and paler yellow, until in the end the color

Monday, July 22, 2019

Circuit Lab Report Essay Example for Free

Circuit Lab Report Essay Ohm’s Law is V = I * R or in some cases I = V / R. The next two laws were established by a German physicist by the name of Gustav Kirchhoff. Kirchhoff’s first law is his voltage law. Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) states that around any loop in a circuit, the voltage rises must equal the voltage drops. The next law that Kirchhoff introduced was his current law. Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) states that the total current entering a junction must equal the total current leaving the junction. These laws, however, cannot be proven or tested without the aid of a multimeter. A multimeter is an instrument designed to measure electric current, voltage, and usually resistance, typically over several ranges of value. The multimeter has different programs to measure voltage, current, resistance, etc. produced from one of two types of circuits. The first type of circuit is a series circuit. A series circuit is a circuit in which the components are arranged end to end in such a way that the electric current flows through the first component, through the next component, and so on, until it reaches the source again. In contrast, a parallel circuit is a circuit in which the has more than one resistor and has multiple paths to move along. The main purpose of this lab was to prove the laws of Ohm and Kirchhoff. On another note, being able to take part in this lab taught my partner and I the fundamental skills of constructing series and parallel circuit and using a multimeter to calculate the current and voltage of a circuit. I believe that if we only have the basic materials to conduct electricity (such as resistors, alligator clip, cords, a multimeter, and a power source), then we can still prove the that the laws that Ohm and Kirchhoff established are in fact reliable sources for calculating data regarding certain electrical circuits. I’ve reached this hypothesis because Ohm’s laws and Kirchhoff’s two laws are supposed to be laws used for any electrical circuits. Based on this, these three laws should be able to be validated with this experiment. Materials Power Source Alligator Clips 1,000 Ohms Resistor 10,000 Ohms Resistor Multimeter Methods Ohm’s Law 1. Assemble circuit as seen in figure 1 and set the multimeter to current 2. install series in the circuit and set the power supply to 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5 3. record number on multimeter and compare to the calculated current using Ohm’s law Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law 1. assemble circuit as seen in figure 2 and set multimeter to volts 2. install in parallel over both resistors and set the power supply to 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5 3. record number on multimeter and see if the total voltage dropped equals voltage added Kirchhoff’s Current Law 1. Assemble circuit as seen in figure 3 and set multimeter back to current 2. install at all three points at both junctions 3. see if the current entering the junction is equal to the current leaving the junctions Discussion Our lab in general, went fairly well. We took our time and did not rush through this lab, so we could get the best results, but we did have some trouble with our Multimeter on more than one occasion. For example, while we were attempting to prove Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law. The Multimeter, at first was acting up and completely just not working, but we then realized that it was not set on the correct measuring task. Then, on the same two labs, we were getting readings from the Multimeter that made no sense. It told us that the current for the circuit was 967.83 Ohms which for the type of circuit that we built, was impossible. After fixing the problem with the Multimeter and proving Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, we moved onto the Current Law that Kirchhoff established. This time, the problem wasn’t the Multimeter, or the resistors, or the power supply, or anything else. It was us. We were overall a bit confused on how the circuit was created and it took a long time to eventually construct and then prove. Even though the problems were an annoyance, the lab was very insightful and taught us a lot about electric currents and circuits. Conclusion At the conclusion of this experiment, our results supported our hypothesis greatly even though our numbers were not a hundred percent on point. But there is room for error, like the fact that the power supply was not great quality and doesn’t give exactly 3 volts or 4.5 volts or any of that. Also, the resistors are not high-quality resistors and are also worn down from years of use, so they don’t give exactly 1,000 / 10,000 Ohms like we were looking for. Other sources of error included the Multimeter, which was not exact because the Multimeter rounds numbers, the Alligator clips, which are (like the power supply and resistors) not the best and shed energy, and our calculations, which could have suffered from any addition or multiplication or division error.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Theological Themes In The Chronicles Of Narnia Religion Essay

Theological Themes In The Chronicles Of Narnia Religion Essay Four siblings, Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy, were evacuated from World War2 to Professor Digorys country house. There was a huge wardrobe in one room of his house. The adventure began when four siblings pass through the door of a mysterious wardrobe into Narnia held captive for a hundred years under the spell of the White Witch. Lucy was the first to enter Narnia. When she returned the others do not believe her story of Narnia. But Edmund entered Narnia too. Finally, however, all four siblings passed through the magical land. Three of siblings joined forces with talking animals who are faithful to Aslan(Turkish for lion)  [1]  , the king of beast, creator of Narnia. Edmund, however, turned betrayer and went over to the White Witchs castle. Aslan paid the terrible cost of Edmunds betrayal by sacrificing his life to save the Edmunds life. With Aslans sacrificed on the Stone Table, the power of magic was broken. Narnia was freed since Aslans resurrection. The creatures that the Whi te Witch had turned to stone were freed by Aslan. The four siblings spent several years in Narnia, growing up into young adults and reigning as kings and queens during Narnias Golden Age. Eventually the four siblings returned to their own world. The Theological Themes The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe- is well known book in the world. The Author C. S. Lewis tells several theological themes through this book. This essay will discuss the theological themes of The Chronicles of Narnia. First of themes is the temptation. When the White Witch met Edmund, she tempted Edmund with Turkish delight. It was so delicious for him so he wanted some more. She asked for him, Son of Adam, I should so much like to see your brother and your sisters. Will you bring them to me?  [2]   When Edmund had Turkish delight, also he had greed. He tried to bring his family and revealed the plan that Aslan is gathering army. Because he wanted get some more Turkish delight and also wanted to be a prince. Thats results, he was trapped into the prison and Aslan was died. The bible says, Each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full grown, gives birth to death (James 1 : 14-15). One of the problems with sin is addictive.  [3]  It separates us from God. So, how can we overcome temptation? The bible says, Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). Second of themes is the spiritual gifts. Father Christmas brought gifts for each of siblings. Peter got the sword and shield. Susan got the bow and quiver of arrow. And Lucy got a diamond bottle of healing cordial and a dagger.  [4]  These gifts are tools that will help them fulfill their calling and face the challenges.  [5]  Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to each one of us. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good (1 Corinthians 12:7). All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines (1 Corinthians 12:11). Each one of Christians have own special spiritual gifts from God. The last of themes are suffering and resurrection. Aslan is a redeemer. Jesus suffered and died on the cross for our sins. The results, we were freed from sins by his the redemption. Moreover, he resurrected from the death and fulfilled the covenant. Aslan is very similar as Jesus. First, he died on the Stone table for Edmund who betrayed him. Secondly, he resurrected from the death and he set free those the White Witch has held captive and turned to stone.  [6]  The last one is that the Bible tells us, He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth. When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed (1 Peter 2:22-24). In conclusion, there are several theological themes in the Chronicle of Narnia. However, this is not a bible story but fantasy story that based on the authors theological faith. I received impression through the author. Because, every Christian have faith but they dont express their faith. However, C. S. Lewis expressed his faith through his gift from God that is writing. The more application of gifts is, the better gifts will have.

Nishat Linen Business Analysis

Nishat Linen Business Analysis Executive Summary The market for clothing, home textile and accessories has always been vast and full to the brim with potential. More and more people are jumping on to the bandwagon and coming up with their own brands of fabric apparel with tall claims of high quality and uniqueness. In the midst of so much competition, Nishat Linen came to the surface with exclusivity as its claim to fame. This report discusses in the following sections, the current market position of Nishat Linen relative to its competitors, its business portfolio, its strengths and opportunities, channels of distribution, marketing strategies and finally, the overall budget and action programs. Nishat Linen An Introduction High in diversity, Nishat Group has been one of the leading and dynamic industries in South Asia where it has paved its path in the fields of textile, cement and financial services. Nishat Linen is a part of the company which has given a whole new dimension and outlook to the textile industry. Nishat Linen is known for its quality and recognized for its designs and affordable prices and has been serving the industry for the last 14 years and is now recognized as a brand of its own. The positive image it has created in the minds of its customers in unbeatable which cannot be tarnished by big competitors in the textile industry. Current Marketing Situation In Pakistani textile market the concept of a one-stop shop is not new as there are many stores like Ideas, ChenOne and Habitt which are striving hard to provide their customers with the ease and comfort of one-stop it. These stores are strong with their brand names and recognition where they provide their customers with high quality and design variations so as to make the element of uniqueness distinct in the consumers mind. As a result strong competition has surfaced among these textile giants which are fighting hard and fast to retain and grown their customer share in the market Nishat Linen emerged, in the midst of such consistent and tough competition, as a prodigy of Nishat Group; one of the leading and most diversified business groups in South Asia. Throughout the years, Nishat has made its place as one of the market leaders in fulfilling the home and personal needs of consumers. Currently Nishat is enjoying a palace within the minds of its target market that support it maintain a distinctive palace among its competitors. Nishat is the market leader in its category due to its superior quality, a well-developed brand name, marketing efforts that hit its target segment rightly and continuously changing the product designs and features to meet the needs and requirements of its valuable dynamic customers. This all has helped Nishat to gain a differentiated image in the market that has it a prestige symbol. Market Description Todays consumer has evolved with a certain set of needs and demands which are clearly defined in their minds and are more than capable in making purchasing decisions where they evaluate each product feature to their mental scale and purchase only if it rates higher in their perception. Nishat is now just not a store anymore, rather the outlets are something to which the customer can relate to and would feel comfortable in revisiting it if need be. Their brands reflect a certain image and class to the consumers who buy the products to enhance their already groomed personality. Striving hard on these lines Nishat Linen has made its mark in the market where it especially targets those discerning customers who seek uniqueness, quality, design, fashion and style in the products they buy without having to compromise on pricing. Without any doubt the target market of Nishat Linen comprises of customers who have a distinct set of demands where they focus on product uniqueness, quality and design which would set them apart from other females. From housewives seeking to impress others through impressive kitchen and bed linen to socialites and professionals with a sophisticated and exclusive sense of dressing, Nishat is very successful as it caters to a privileged market segment that can pay for high quality and style. Product Review Nishats product line is highly diversified where it sells bed linen to kitchen coordinates, upholstery to apparel providing it significant positioning and penetration in the market to cater to the customers who want a one-stop shop experience Nishats complete product line is as follows: Nisha Clothing Line for women Naqsh Clothing Line for men Bed Kitchen Linen and Accessories Bed sheets Quilts Bed spreads (regular/ bridal sets) Kitchen (table linen, mats, table runners, bread boxes, aprons) Cushions ((Zari, 6 piece sets, matched with bed sheets) Fillings Jai Namaz Fashion Accessories Laces Bangles Shawls Stoles Handbags Clutches SEGMENT NEEDS AND CORRESPONDING BENEFITS OF NISHATS PRODUCT LINE TARGET SEGMENT CUSTOMER NEED CORRESPONDING BENEFIT Multifaceted, style conscious women (consumer market) To be at the zenith of high fashion. To be exclusive and reflect the status of success and power. Corresponding benefit is in the form of Nisha the clothing line for women that was launched in 2004. Based on a wide variety of fabrics including lawn, chiffon, voile, karandi, linen, khaddar, satin etc; it caters to every fashion whim of women. Distinguished men (consumer market) Clothes that reflect sheer masculinity and elegance yet can be worn with ease and comfort any time of the day. Corresponding benefit is in the form of Naqsh the clothing line for men. Loose fabric as well as ready to wear shalwar kurtaz for all occasions that are casual yet unique. Housewives, kids, brides-to-be (consumer market) To be able to express style and individuality while decorating houses. To stylize kitchen, bedrooms, living rooms etc; to be able spruce up any room. Corresponding benefit is in the form of a wide variety of Bed and Kitchen linen and accessories with a new collection every season. Caters not only housewives seeking comfortable bedding and kitchen accessories, Nishat has a linen range exclusively for kids and brides-to-be, hence providing a complete home care solution for every life cycle stage. Trendy teenage girls (consumer market) To be recognized as a fashion goddess, a diva. Corresponding benefit is in the form of fashion accessories ranging from bags, clutches, bangles etc for teens on the go. Competitive Review Fashion industry of Pakistan is evolving on daily basis as it faces a series of continuous changes in the market trends. Following the path of the fashion industry, females also have been grooming alongside where the long ago held concept of a female belonging in kitchen has been changed to a fashionable and modern individual who takes care of her grooming, her dressing and her appearances. The customers are now focused on designs and how each would represent and set off their image in the minds of their friends and relatives. These are the main areas of concerns the customer face while choosing something to wear for themselves or even for their families. With the endorsing of celebrities the competition in the market have increased manifolds as the customers are bombarded with commercials in which the major celebrities have been endorsing their products causing confusions in the analysis of the product by the customers. Nishat Linen Competitors: *Al-Karam Textile Mills One of the largest producers of Fashion and Basic Beddings, Al-Karam has been successful in its ability in grasping the biggest market share. They offer a diversified set of products which are high in quality and designs which includes Apron, Egyptian cotton, bed linen, Hand Towel e.t.c. They are also engaged with in house design solutions as well. Al-karam is proud to have a proven record of providing service quality on time. *Chenone Pakistan It is one of Pakistans leading textile group and one of the largest exporters of home textile products from Pakistan. Chenabs processing unit is considered one of the best in the country with a complete processing range. Its main products that it offers include Home Textile, Garments, Foot Wear and Furniture. Its textile products not only fulfill local demand but are also exported to several other countries. *Ideas Ideas is one of the other big competitor of Nishat in the market where it offers a similar range of product offering including bedding, kitchen, bath furniture e.t.c. They are also offering specific range of cotton and lawn with fresh and vibrant colors. Their specialty is their unique design clothes with a vibrant palette of colors and embroidery. *Habitt Habitt provides with a wide variety which includes wide range of curtains, bed sheets, sofa sets, quilts, book shelves; dining tables and usually very common house hold items are available here. Habitt is attracting market by providing attractive offers and relatively low price. *VLawn VLawn is again in competition with Nishat Linen in clothing industry. VLawn is a brand of Vaneeza Ahmed which is a popular figure in fashion industry. Initially she started with different Lawn designs and now she is offering shiffon, rawsilk and khadi wear. Brand Product Category Price Range Intensity Habbit Furniture Moderate High-High Red Interwood Furniture Moderate High-High Black Cross Roads Casual Clothing Moderate High-High Red Outfitters Casual Clothing Moderate High-High Red Fifth Avenue Casual Clothing Moderate High-High Blue Shirt Tie Formal Clothing Moderate High-High Red Dinners Formal Clothing Moderate High-High Blue Mens Store Formal Clothing High Red Stone Age Casual Clothing Moderate High-High Red Cotton Cotton Formal Clothing Moderate High-High Red Cambridge Formal Clothing Moderate High-High Blue Bonanza Formal Clothing Moderate High-High Blue Oxford Formal Clothing Moderate High-High Blue Ideas Clothing Moderate High-High Red Bareeze Fabric Moderate High-High Red V9 Fabric Moderate High-High Red Funk Asia Women Clothing Moderate High-High Blue Stylo Foot Wear Low-Moderate High Black Soul Foot Wear Moderate High-High Red Borjan Foot Wear Low-Moderate High Blue Red: Head to Head Competition Black: Moderate Competition Blue: Partial Competition Channels and Logistics Review The channels and Logistics are integrated such that product availability is insured across Pakistan at its various outlets which are located at all the major cities. However the major focus of outlets is in Punjab because of easy and cheap logistics since their production facility is near Lahore. There is one outlet in Islamabad and Karachi has three outlets out of which couple of them is located in Clifton and one in PECHS. This goes to show that Nishat hasnt identified other potential or growing markets within Karachi that is going to result in one of the threats from their competitors in gaining market share. SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis is a useful tool for analyzing and understanding business situations as well as carrying out the decision making process within an organization. SWOT is an abbreviation for strength, weakness, opportunity and threats. Organizations use SWOT analysis for: Business planning Strategic planning Competitor evaluation Marketing Business development Product development SWOT analysis for Nishat: STRENGTHS One of the first few brands to launch bed linen in Pakistan. Strong product diversification. Outlets in nearly every city of Punjab and three outlets in Karachi which is also the business capital. Catering all market segments except children. Strong product development and most significantly according to all the seasons. Affiliation with a professional designer Mahin Khan. Organized records of customer database. Valuable services to all its loyal and first time customers by offering discount cards and membership cards. Limited designs for both fabrics and linen are sold in the market for every season that creates differentiation of their product. WEAKNESSES Nishat linen is not catering the middle and the lower income group that can be seen by looking at the price range of their products: Unstitched fabric: Rs. 2138 to 3150 Stitched fabric: Rs. 1400 to 5000 Bed Sheets: Rs. 1150 to 2950 Quilt Covers: Rs. 1800 to 5500 Nishat linen does not carry out exhibitions therefore customers have little knowledge about their products with respect to their competitors. Nishat linen has not been able to expand its market in Karachi due to high logistics cost since their mill is in Faisalabad Punjab. All the promotional strategies are focused on fabrics as it is their star product.bed linen gets little promotional campaign. OPPORTUNITIES Nishat linen can look to get affiliated with more diversified designers who are into accessories as well. Publish their own catalogues for bed linen and fabric and put them at different book stores so that customers have easy access to their designs. Nishat can get into western clothing line which will give them an edge over their competitors. Their Lahore unit is manufacturing denim fabric for Levis which is of superior quality. This gives an opportunity to Nishat to launch their own denim brand in the market. They should look to open an outlet in an area like North Nazimabad where the market has a lot of potential and people have the purchasing power as well. THREATS Strong promotional campaigns of competitors producing fabrics through exhibitions. Fabric designs of their competitors are available at other retail stores as well where as their fabrics are available at their outlets only. Most of their bed linens is exported therefore the local market tend to suffer where as their competitors like ideas and ChenOne are more focused on the local market gaining competitive advantage. BCG Matrix for Nishat Star: Nishats Star unit, undoubtedly, is Nisha, their clothing line for women. It is a unit that sells throughout the year and as quoted by the Manager of their Clifton outlet, Nisha sells at the same rate even during times of recession. According to him, Nishat has experienced more profit during recession because of continued high sales of their clothing line for women. Launched in 2004, Nisha grew by leaps and bounds and now stands alongside brands like Gul Ahmed, Lakhani and Al-Karam. It has been categorized as a Star product line of Nishat as the market for women fabric and apparel is huge, ever growing and presents quite a lot of potential. It has a high market share due to its exclusivity and quality that distinguishes it from its competition. As a consequence, it requires heavy investment to support its image as a brand with an attitude. Cash Cows: Nishats bed kitchen linen and accessories can be categorized as the cash cows with which it earns a healthy and steady cash flow throughout the year. The market demand for bed and kitchen linen, though not dynamic, has always been there with a sustained and limited potential for growth. Nishat, with its unique and discerning image, has managed to capture a significant share of this slow-growing market, relative to its competitors like Ideas by Gul Ahmed, Identity by Al-Karam and ofcourse, ChenOne. Its bed linen is not only in high demand locally but is also one of its major imports. Question Mark: Naqsh, the clothing line of Nishat for men, can be categorized as its Problem Child or Question Mark. Its a unit that hasnt shown much potential and as a result hasnt managed to gain as much market share or generate as much cash as was expected and required of it. The market for eastern wear for men has seen a rapid growth since the past few years and presents so much of unexplored potential. With every designer coming up with an exclusive clothing line for men, Naqsh faces serious competition from not only Gul Ahmed and Al-Karam but other market leaders such as Amir Adnan, Junaid Jamshed and Rizwan Beyg etc. To survive in such a fiercely competitive and fast-growing market, Naqsh requires heavy investments to hold its ground but hasnt managed to succeed in gaining enough market shares as yet. Dog: Finally, fashion accessories of Nishat can be termed as Dog; unit with a low market share in a moderately growing industry of accessories. The demand for fashion accessories like hand bags, clutches etc, though has always been there, but it does not have that much of a growth potential. With much of the investment being done in the other three units, Nishat hasnt paid heed to this particular market offering. Known by the masses as a brand for clothing and bed linen, only a niche segment of the market is aware of Nishats accessories even when ingenuity and style is maintained here as well. Hence, this unit generates just enough cash to maintain its market share. Objective Issues First year Objective We have planned to increase the sales volume up to 150 percent of current sales by expanding the market share along with superior customer value. Second year Objective We aim to launch the western wears of finest quality and exclusive class and achieve a distinguishable position in western wear as well. Issues Due to the saturation of market with huge competitors like Al-Karam, Gul-Ahmed and ideas it is quite difficult to capture a large share of market by providing superior value comparable with our competitors. Their distribution networks and large number of outlets could be a hurdle in making our product their first priority. Political issues are also matter of concern as there might be a political influence in establishing our brand in Karachi. Religious issues are also one of the hurdles in advertising via billboards. Financial situation of customers may also be a matter of concern as our all products are exclusive and have high prices. Marketing Strategy Nishats market strategy is based on market expansion and product development. Currently their target segment is exclusive and formal wear for formal now they target professional females including stylish and convenient outfits having a variety of designs but superior quality. Bed linen also needs to be emphasized more regarding variations in styles and designs. Nishat also plans to target entrepreneurs and business owners who wish to design their offices with their products in an exclusive manner by not only providing them their elite products but also special services would also be provided by their representative who would suggest them regarding interior decoration. Gents wear would also be focused involving a wide range of formal and informal shalwar suits under the supervision of a top class designer Hassan Shaharyar. Positioning Nishat aims to position its product as an exclusive and classical brand for both upper and middle class customers. Additionally they provide customer support services specifically to women to help them design their clothing by Nishats experienced designers. That is their differentiating point from their competitors. Product Strategy Nishat will launch exclusive designs of wear created by a variety of new designers. This innovation would be affective as upcoming designers work with more energy and creativity that would boost their sales. Free samples are delivered to customers to show how best our products are. Free sample is a useful technique in winning the loyalty of customers. This strategy is widely used to improve the market. Pricing Strategy Before setting prices of products, various elements are kept into mind. Customer is of utmost importance. If customer is old, his track record is good and enjoys a favorable repute so profit margin may be reduced. Prices area determined on cost basis by adding certain percentage of profit. This is highly sensitive area. Current pricing for their products are: Unstitched fabric is 2100-3100 it would be revised with more variety having range 1500-3500 Stitched fabric is 1500-5000 it would be revised with economic and unique aspect having range 1200-10000 Bed linen is 1200-3000 it would be revised from regular and exclusive range of bed linen from 1000-5000 Bridal wear will be launched having introductory prices 20000-40000 Distribution Strategy Nishat has their own outlets in Punjab and Sindh, and the product will be delivered only to registered outlets. As the manager of one outlet has enlightened the point why dont sell their product other then Nishat outlet as their competitor is doing that he replied we never want to enter in a market because as soon as we entered in it then our fake product will take birth as it happened with other competitors. Our exclusive designs and products would still be sold at our authorized outlets .Furthermore to facilitate the customers, online shopping facility and door step delivery of order will also be started by the introduction of BUY ONLINE option on our website for that purpose we have acquired services of T.C.S for order delivery. Marketing Research Strategy Following are some research and development techniques: Through Internet Nishat has recognized the importance of information technology in business field and very quick to capitalize this opportunity. It has launched its website which tells buyers about Nishat products and also takes their valuable feedback and suggestions. APTAMA buyers dictionary All Pakistan textile mills association publishes a directory, which includes prospective buyers. This dictionary is published regularly. Marketing department carefully analyses it and find buyers for its quality products. Action Programs We have selected action plans as per different seasons and occasions: February (on winter collection) In this month the number of walk-in customer is high for winter clothing demand. Some visit for the bed linen, cushions, baby cots .Whereas main emphasis would be on winter collection. July Most of the buyers are people going back from vacations; they prefer to buy local stuff rather than spending more for the same stuff offered by international brands. Reason: A complete bed sheet set including pillow covers at Nishat is priced at Rs. 3000 whereas any international brand would charge $140 for the same bed sheet and that too excluding pillow covers. August (on summer collection) In this collection mostly in Karachi customer influx increases with day in and day out and these days mainly women actively do shopping emphasizing on formal outfits for weddings and girls with their summer collections. Eid (on kitchen accessories) We also produce the products on the special occasions especially on Eid season involving an increased requirement for kitchen accessories. In such occasions demand for Traditional outfit having eastern look is also increased in both male and female Budgets We have allocated budget for our products as per their market value and demand. Following is the distribution of expenditure for our product mix considering the market standing and market growth in order to improve our current situation. Nisha à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦50 percent Bed linen à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦15 percent Naqshà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..27 percent Fashion accessoriesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. 8 percent Controls There are at least three basic requirements for Nishat to maintain its status as a successful brand: It must provide a product (good or service) that suits best to its capabilities and for which there is a sufficient market. It must provide the product with consistent quality at a level that appeals to intended customers and satisfy their needs. It must provide a product at a cost that always a satisfactory profit and a rational sale price. Profit will be controlled by following necessary measures: Quality control Design control Customer Data Control Product Identification and Traceability Corrective and Preventing Measures Internal Audit