Monday, September 30, 2019

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: A Reflection

Abraham Maslow, a popular psychologist during 1950's to 1970's has developed a model on how people could test their personality, based on their needs as an individual. This is called ‘Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs'. The model is illustrated as a triangle. The base of the triangle, which is the biggest, is the Psychological Need. Since this is the base of the triangle and the biggest, Maslow interpreted this as the individual’s basic needs. Most of the things that Maslow included in this area are the health and medical needs of an individual. These things are some of the things the individual cannot live without, examples are: oxygen, sleep, physical activities, water and rest. Following the psychological need is the Safety and Security Need, which takes up the second level of the triangle. As the individual fulfills his psychological need, he will seek for order and security. Perhaps, he will seek for a secured job so that he could continually fulfill his psychological needs, or look for a shelter or community where he could find safety and serenity. These are some examples of Safety and Security needs. The third level of the triangle is the Love and Belongingness Need. The famous quote ‘no one is an island', best describes this need. Next level in Maslow's model is the need for self-esteem. This need could come from the people surrounding the individual or from himself alone. The last level of the triangle is the Self-Actualization. The last level of the model according to Maslow is a little bit different among the four needs mentioned earlier. Self-actualization happens when the individual finally fulfilled the four needs. In layman's term, self-actualization could also mean ‘contentment or fulfillment'. However, though many psychologists and many practitioners are using Maslow's model, there are some questionable issues as he explained his model. First issue is that, not all individual needs to fulfill the four needs before he can have self-actualization. For example, some individuals are already successful in their respective fields by living alone. Some of these people do not need love and belongingness; in fact, they see love and belongingness as hindrance to whatever they want to achieve in life. Some people are achievers without partners in life or without even a family. Second issue is that, psychological needs encompass almost all of the needs mentioned in his model. In fact, it would be proper for Maslow to name the first level of his model as ‘Basic Needs' instead of psychological needs.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How to Achieve Better Work-Life Balance Essay

For most of us these days, having to work is not an option, but a necessity. Struggling to maintain a job and a family can be demanding and stressful. While dealing with everyday chores at home, dinner, homework and other responsibilities, some people think that being at work is like having a break. On the other hand, for a single person, work may be the only social life they have. While using the workplace as an outlet to get away from it all or as a place to socialize, it is important to be aware of actions at work that might annoy your co-workers. Manners do matter, not only in your social life but your workplace. Manners can come into various forms, but professional etiquette in a workplace is vital, if you want to be respected or even make your job easier. For example, if your job involves you sending emails to other clients, associates or managers. You always want the email to content a greeting, and goodbye. I said respectable because there are different forms of greetings and goodbyes depending on the receiver. Manners mean behavior that is considered to be polite in a particular society and culture Manners are what you do in a specific way to be polite, courteous, etc. showing proper manners means making the person around you not feel bad. Example: You say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to show good manners. You are not ‘showing etiquette’ while doing this. As everybody already knows that it’s a professional etiquette to use these words at work! Professional manner & etiquette consists of professional dress code the right dress with the right contrast of color & combination of shoe and socks, exposing physical structure must be avoided. professional appearance, punctuality, use of professional language, positive attitude, non-verbal communication skills, maintaining hygiene. Manners impact of how others perceive you and your company. Your appearance and dress code, your way of welcoming people at first sight or later, your body language, your way of choosing words for your business conversation, your way of managing time effectively, your professional way of interacting with people and finally your mindset are the core components of your professional manner and etiquette. Each company must have a manual for professional manner and etiquette. New recruits should go through an induction program to understand these sensitive issues to deal with people at work. Even every year there should be a review of a company’s professional manner and etiquette to update its manual to keep pace with the changing trends of global fashion and life style. Conducting a job interview is the most widely used selection tool. It has proved most reliable and the employers rely on it in preference to any other tool. It is a process designed to predict future job performance by candidate’s oral responses to oral inquiries. For having a better comprehension of Job interviewing it is proper will to go through the definitions of the interview and job interview. An interview as defined is a conversation between two people where the interviewer put questions to the interviewees to get information from him. Job Interview on the other hand is generally defined as a conversation between an employer and a job candidate, where the employer evaluates a candidate for prospective employment in the organization. The two definitions show that an interview is a general term used for all kinds of interview, it gives out the broad outlines of the term interview. Job interview on the other hand is specific to a particular area namely employment. But, this is a common misconception that job interview is a unilateral process which, is not the case. The above definition of Job interview is very similar to definition of Job Interviewing, but not that of job interview as it does not give the full picture and is incomplete.

Saturday, September 28, 2019


In 1787. a group of representatives from the 13 colonies met all together to discuss the Articles of Confederations weaknesses and to make a new Constitution. They disputed, debated, and talked about It for 4 months until they created the U. S. Constitution. In my essay, I will discuss some weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation and I will also discuss how they resolved It. I will also discuss some weaknesses that remained in the Constitution when it was passed. One of the Articles of Confederations weaknesses was that each state makes their wn money. It was difficult for the states to trade with each other. If the states used the same kind of money, it would encourage more trading between them which is easier than making their own money. Another weakness was that John Jay mentions that the new government would be fair and enough. Thereby, the people were saying that the weakness of the old government which was the Articles of Confederation was unorganized and not fair. It had no federal court system, so each state made up their own laws and had their wn courts which may have led to a corruption. One weakness that remained In the Constitution even when It was passed was that Thomas Jefferson mentions that the only important thing that was not in the Constitution was a Bill of Rights. So, the federalists promised to include a Bill of Rights In the constltuuon once It will pass. The Bill of Right were the first 10 amendments, which included the freedom of religion, freedom of press, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, etc Another weakness was that the Articles of Confederation had only one house of overnment, but the Constitution provides for fair representation in the government.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Definition of the Emergency Management System Essay - 1

Definition of the Emergency Management System - Essay Example The failure led to the devolution of the emergency management system (FEMA) with the director losing his powers. The funds and personnel issued to FEMA were reduced. Most of the resources were channeled directly to the disaster preparation and mitigation for the local and state agencies. In Chicago, OEM under OEMC, access funding from the Homeland Security Grant Funding. Besides other avenues of financing, OEMC has developed more capabilities when it comes to resource allocation and capacity development. The funding has enabled OEMC to increase its impacts in protecting the public and critical infrastructure in Chicago, in case of a disaster or emergency. Availability of personnel and funds has improved the disaster response coordination at the local level. It has led to improved technology and increased public engagement in catastrophic events. The same kinds of improvements are also experienced at the state level. The grant has enabled IEMA and its related agencies to be more effec tive and efficient. The resources have made the agency capable of investing more in training, planning, equipment and organization activities. The result of investment has been the improvement in the activities that relate to protection, prevention, response mitigation and recovery from emergencies. Emergency management is the planning process that entails the involvement of communities in the reduction of their vulnerability towards the hazard. It also involves the mechanisms through which the community can cope with disasters. Emergency management does not eliminate or avert threats but instead aims to decrease their impacts on the society. Disaster management covers events like fire, industrial sabotage, terrorist acts, natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes, communication failures, industrial accidents and public disorder. Its phases include mitigation, prevention, response, preparedness and recovery (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2014).

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Hitler Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hitler - Essay Example Hitler at sixteen years old dropped out of school and went to Vienna with the intention of pursuing his dream. However, things did not out on his favour and the school where he was to attend refused to enroll him. He had to fend for himself doing all manner of undesirable jobs so as to survive. During this stay, he developed an interest in politics. His anti-Semitism and discernment of Jews started here (The Jewish Library, 2014). After five, years, Hitler decided to relocate to Munich where he joined the Germany army. His potential of a brave and skillful soldier were quite evident and was promoted through the ranks. He participated in World War I which Germany actually lost the war. There was much causality including him which led him to be admitted in hospital for several months. Devastated by the aftermath of the war he believed to be the person who was going to liberate German from its enemies. After healing, he was sent to spy on groups which seemed to be a threat to the German rule at the time. However, he deserted his mission and imposed himself as the leader of the group he was to spy on. Hitler is one of the best orators of all time; this talent helped him gain popularity among the people. With time, he increased the membership of the group tremendously. His dictatorship began to be visible as he never tolerated any opponents. He had a special force that could teach a lesson those who opposed him an d those that disrupted his meetings (The Jewish Library, 2014). His growing popularity made him attempt to overthrow the government but failed terribly and was sentenced to serve a 5yr jail term. However, the nine months spent in jail taught him important lessons in life about politics. After being released he decided in order to be the leader of Germany he had to gunner enough popularity and influence. His great speeches helped him receive support from the people that felt oppressed by the then regime.

Exchange Rate Policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Exchange Rate Policies - Essay Example Above balance of trade in favor of China says a lot about the comparative advantage that China has in a vast array of goods. Moreover, the pertinent point is that China has successfully tilted the advantage in its favor through a managed exchange rate regime. It is of no surprise that China has accumulated over $3trillion in its reserve through this comparative advantage in trade. A couple of years back, China had pegged its currency Yuan at about 8.28/dollar and that remained at that level fairly for a long time. China transited to a ‘managed float’ in 2005 but till date it has refrained from ‘free floating’ Yuan. China does so because it does not want to see its currency appreciate against dollar. In doing so, China may lose the comparative advantage that it has gained across a wide range of goods. The U.S. is passing through a dire recession and unemployment rate continues to hover around 9 percent for last several quarters. There is no denying to the fact that the U.S. industries are at great loss so far comparative advantage is concerned. That is why economists like Krugman (2011) strongly advocates that a weak dollar is in the interest of U.S. to protect its producers. That is also a way to eliminate the U.S. trade gap with China providing a level playing field to the U.S.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The World is Flat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

The World is Flat - Essay Example For skilled students however, it meant greater opportunity because he or she can apply for jobs beyond his or her geographical location. In addition to being really good with my area of expertise, I should also learn other skills such as computer skills because technology is the way of the future. Almost all jobs virtually involve technology and I must equip myself with this skill to make myself employable. I must also learn how to work with other people of different cultures because the work setting in the future will be characterised by diversity where people of different nationality will have to work together. Online base jobs are one of the world flattener. They are one of the world’s flattener because it makes people mobile in terms of seeking employment without even leaving their homes. They are as productive as those who go to office except that they are working in the comfort of their homes. Business organization are already adapting to these kind of work structure which they call telecommuting recognizing the advantages it offer both to the company and the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Analyzing Messages Carried in an Advertisement Essay

Analyzing Messages Carried in an Advertisement - Essay Example A meticulously construed advertisement has the power to deliver the same meaning to a host of different people through its overwhelmingly powerful imagery and symbolism. The advertisement under discussion (please see Appendix ‘A’) represents a strong combination of visual symbols that produce provocative thought in order to stimulate one to buy. The central symbol or icon is a Lolita who is depicted as being totally nude. The point in using a Lolita is rather simple – creating desire. In the Greek era, young boys embodied the essence of beauty and hence desire. The tale of Narcissus for example tends to highlight that Greek sexuality centered largely on the beauty and desirability of young boys. In a similar manner, modern Western civilization sees young girls as the embodiment of beauty and desire. The concept of Lolita has come to signify the ultimate object of desire for most in the Western world when it comes to sexuality. The advertisement uses this symbol as a central focus for anyone viewing the advertisement so that the concept of desire becomes the theme of this advertisement. In addition using the concept of Lolita has another deeply seated purpose. ... The perfume being advertised is nonetheless meant for the female audience and there would seem little point in creating desire between one woman viewing the advertisement and another posing suggestively naked in it. Rather than promote attraction between women, the advertisement is targeted to the female audience’s sexual sides so that, as mentioned before, female viewers are able to bring their own sexual side into focus. Women viewing this advertisement are provided with a strong statement along with a provocative question. The central icon is without a doubt beautiful and desirable which is a strong statement2. On the other hand, the female viewers of this advertisement ask themselves if they are like this central icon which represents a provocative question. The contention of the advertisement’s designer is to bring forth such a comparison so that the viewer asks themselves what they would require in order to be like the Lolita in the middle of the advertisement. An other thing that needs to be kept in mind when analyzing this advertisement is the projection of a Lolita who is desirable yet unattainable. The image of the girl in the middle hints at this in two different ways – the confident and self-assured look on her face provides one justification while the method she uses to place her arms near her waist signifies her personal assurance. This methodology again is not meant for the male audience but rather for the female audience who are shown a beautiful woman who is playing hard to get. The use of such symbols to provide the image of a beautiful, desirable yet hard to get Lolita is something that nearly every woman from every demographic segment wants to become. It could thus be said that the portrayal of this young

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Problems and Prospects of Global Governance Regime in Migration Essay

Problems and Prospects of Global Governance Regime in Migration - Essay Example The paper tells that the usage of the term global governance is quite complex. In modern international relations, the policy as well as the academic origins of the term merged substantially. It has been noted that the definition of the term global governance, the degree of governance, what it controls and how, tend not to be explicit in the increasing literature on the subject. Global governance has been created in response to the evolution of trans-boundary issues. There are numerous issues which tend to be trans-boundary to an extent since the characteristic of the problem is one that goes beyond the borders and thus cannot be dealt with by a single state acting in remoteness. A few of the significant trans-boundary issues are climate alteration, transmissible diseases, international trade, terrorism and transitional crime. States have tried to create forms of institutionalised international cooperation in order to address the problems. Globalisation, because of rising trans-bounda ry interconnectivity, has developed a growing requirement for governance that goes beyond the nation-state. The requirement for global governance is related with globalisation and the need to state cross-border spill-overs as well as externalities. However, one of the modern expressions of globalisation has been international migration. By its definition, it is considered as a trans-boundary problem which is not possible for the states to address individually. It has not been successful at creating a rational, multilateral global governance framework. (Dito, 2000). Global migration governance is based upon variety of formal as well as informal institutions which operate at numerous levels of governance. It is worthy of noticing the fact that the institutions that control states’ responses to human trafficking as well as smuggling are not alike the states that tend to monitor responses to skilled labour migration. In each class of migration, there is multifaceted range of regi onal, inter-regional, and bilateral agreements with distinct level of governance possessing greater significance with regards to certain categories of migration in comparison to others (Dito, 2000). Migration Defined Internationally According to the United Nations’ (UN) suggestions in the data related to international migration, an international migrant is someone who alters his or her home country. When a person does this for at least one year, then such person is known as long-term migrant. On the other hand, a short-term migrant is someone who tends to alter his or her country and moves to another country for a time frame of as a minimum three months, however below a year, except in cases where the movement to that particular country is for recreation, business, visiting friends and relatives or religious pilgrimage. The characteristics of the duration measures the period of the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Forgotten Genius of Norman Z. McLeod Essay Example for Free

The Forgotten Genius of Norman Z. McLeod Essay â€Å"He was a very nice guy and a fairly good director,† said Groucho Marx of comedy director Norman Z. McLeod, â€Å"but no genius. † Norman Zenos McLeod helmed three of the most popular comedy films of all time and yet his name is practically forgotten nowadays. He is not as famous today as, say, Howard Hawks, Preston Sturges or even Frank Capra. He didn’t win any Oscars, nor is he the subject of any film introspective or intimate biography. Neither is his directorial style discussed in any lengthy review by Roger Ebert or any other reputable authority on film. But McLeod’s name is up there with the other greats of his era and his legacy seemed to have endured in many of his movies. McLeod was born in Grayling, Michigan from a family that had no connections at all to show business. Before he discovered the movies, he spent two years fighting World War I in France as a fighter pilot in the US Army. McLeod became an animator before he even discovered that he could direct in the movies. He learned the comedy trade at the Christie Film Co. , which specialized in comedy shorts. His first full-length film was the 1928 silent film, Taking a Chance. McLeod was working for Paramount when he directed the Marx Brothers in two movies, Monkey Business and Horse Feathers, which today are considered two of the team’s best. Horse Feathers especially show the Marx Brothers at their wackiest and most anarchic. The material for the movie was based on the brothers’ stage act, which means that before it was ever brought to film it was already familiar stuff for its actors. They only had to transfer the action in front of the camera and on celluloid, so to speak. It is not easy to imagine anyone directing the incomparable Marx Brothers on stage and on film but McLeod did and he seemed to have done a very good job at it, too. Critics, however, are somewhat contemptuous of his abilities, calling him a Paramount â€Å"functionary† and â€Å"a specialist comedy director†. Matthew Coniam in his blog â€Å"The Marx Brothers: Council of Britain† said of McLeod: Norman Z. McLeod does not enjoy much of a reputation per se. He reminds me of that line in one of the Sherlock Holmes stories, where the great detective tells Watson: â€Å"Some people, without possessing genius, have a remarkable power of stimulating. † For a comedian’s director like McLeod, praise rarely comes any higher. After all, there’s something innately ludicrous about the notion of anybody actually directing the Marx Brothers or WC Fields. But both acts could make bad films, and certainly did when not properly handled. Meanwhile, Monkey Business, Horse Feathers and It’s a Gift (1933) have no business outside of anybody’s list of the twenty greatest comedies ever made, and all three have Norman McLeods name on the dotted line. What did he have that many of their other directors lacked? He didn’t try to impose his personality to the detriment of theirs and – a rarer gift than you might think – he obviously got all the jokes. (15) McLeod certainly got all the jokes. And one of them was that you don’t attempt to direct a great talent like the Marx Brothers you simply give them enough space to move and allow them to do their own wacky and hilarious stuff without interference. And that’s exactly what McLeod did in Horse Feathers. Horse Feathers makes no more sense than a Saturday Night Live episode. But the movie does revel in anarchy, reams of it, and elevates the non-sequitur as close to an art form as it can get. It is filled with Grouchos special brand of humor (e. g. , â€Å"Why don’t you go home to your wife? I’ll tell you what, I’ll go home to your wife and, outside of the improvement, she’ll never know the difference,†) and features the very popular song â€Å"Everyone Says I Love You†, which was sang in three different versions in the movie by Zeppo, Chico and Groucho. Harpo, of course, hummed a version of it in his ubiquitous harp. For most of the time, McLeod keeps the camera trained on his actors and then gets out of the way. He did manage some well staged moments in the finale, where the boys win the football match by driving a make-shift chariot on the track. Most importantly, McLeod kept the pace from flagging, even during the Zeppo sequences, (Zeppo as usual played the straight man to his brothers) with the result that there’s hardly a wasted moment in the film. The movie is also pure, unadulterated Marx Brothers without influence from anyone. It resembles a wide, open canvass where the figures of Groucho, Chico, Harpo and Zeppo moved in perfect synchrony, alert and pro-active to each other’s movement and dialogue. And McLeod’s ever-present camera never fails to capture this synchrony, nor the twitches in Groucho’s eyebrows when he utters a joke. The Swordfish scene, for example, is a master combination of both action and framing. It is easy for a director to intrude and even improvise on the scene to make it funnier but McLeod’s camera remained unobtrusive throughout, allowing the actors the liberty to shine and the audience full appreciation of the lively action on the screen. The camera never shifted from actor to actor but held steady on all the players, rather like a passive and mute witness even as the scene grew more hilarious by the minute. The style is reminiscent of a Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd confrontation scene, which is not surprising given McLeod’s animation background. The director doesn’t interfere with the scene but he instinctively knows when to move back or off as the case may be, which shows he knows the material than he is given credit for. McLeod understands that comedy is a sight gag. If you cut too soon or if you focus on the wrong person, the comedy will fall flat in seconds, which is why Groucho is given the full close-up treatment when he tells the audience they have a choice to leave the theater while Chico does his thing on the piano. McLeod employed the same technique in the pond scene where Groucho sings the third version of the song, â€Å"Everyone Says I Love You†. Any director worth his salt would have given Groucho the whole close-up treatment just to watch his changing expression as he sings to the college widow but McLeod did not, preferring to train his camera between his two players, wholly anticipating the audience’s reaction as the song’s rather racy lyrics is being sung to the diaphanous-gowned and seductively preening presence of the widow on the opposite end of the small canoe. At one point, McLeod’s camera also framed a duck to reinforce the joke then with a sly wink finally settled on a Life Savers candy which Groucho threw at the widow when she fell off the boat into the water. You can almost hear the uproarious laughter the gag must have elicited from the audience. For McLeod, a joke works best when it is supported by visuals caught mid-action by the camera. He employs this kind of visual style in the W. C. Fields movie, It’s a Gift, which he also directed. The story of a henpecked grocer who yearns to own an orange grove in California, W. C. Fields has never been put to better use than in It’s a Gift. The scene where a blind man wielding an unruly cane visits Fields’ store is already a classic. The scene piles visual gag upon visual gag, and ends in an uproarious yet heart pounding sequence of the same blind man crossing a street while police cars, ambulances and a fire truck raced around him on the suddenly busy intersection. Another scene of Fields attempting to sleep on his porch while things and people around him keep him from doing so is an amazing study of both talent and directorial marksmanship. Like his treatment with the Marx Brothers, McLeod didn’t even attempt to reign in the great W. C. Fields but he made sure that same enormous talent is ably supported by an ever increasing mania of visual sights and gags. The scene is priceless in both comic timing and visualization and the movie has often been cited as W. C. Field’s best and funniest picture, undoubtedly one of the greatest, classic comedies ever made. Maybe the reason why McLeod is overlooked by historians and film buffs is the fact that he never wrote any of his materials and his visuals were never fancy but were strictly utilitarian that served the purpose only of the scene at hand. He never experimented with angles or lightings but captured his subjects as they were, making their trademark shenanigans to elicit a laugh. McLeod also worked with the biggest talents and biggest egos in show business. In addition to other classics like It’s a Gift and Monkey Business, McLeod also directed Danny Kaye in the Secret Life of Walter Mitty, the story of another henpecked who escapes the misery of his life by imagining all sorts of exciting identities for himself. Another big talent directed by McLeod is Bob Hope, Mr. Showman himself, whom McLeod directed in The Paleface and Road to Rio. His association with the biggest names in Hollywood of his era could have been a disservice to McLeod. Certainly he knew his talents and he knew comedy and he combined both to perfect effect. But in the end, one doesn’t watch a Norman Z. McLeod movie starring the Marx Brothers or W. C. Fields or Danny Kaye, it was always the top talent first and the director second. In a sense, that was what McLeod did so well, to so totally efface himself that any movie he helmed turned out as a worthy vehicle for the top talent his studio has signed on to. Also, most of his films tapped perfectly into the commercial mood of their times, which is why they were usually popular then and are often forgotten today. Critics also point out that McLeod has very little visual style and seems more competent than inspired. As if his films happened all by themselves and he just happened to be there. He also happened to understand his role in making these movies. For a quiet and self-effacing man like this very unlikely director, that could have been high praise indeed. Work Cited Coniam, Matthew. The Z, incidentally, stands for ‘Zenos’. The Marx Brothers Council of Britain Page 15. 21 May 2009. Blogger. com. http://marxcouncil. blogspot. com/search/label/Norman%20Z. %20McLeod. 3 May 2010.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Land Vegetation Ethiopia

Land Vegetation Ethiopia 1. Project Summary Land cover/use Study projects provide policy makers, industry and community interest groups, and landholders with accurate information on  woody vegetation cover, information on changes in the cover, mapping and providing statistical information. In earlier times the northern Ethiopian highlands were characterized by humid climate and denser vegetation (Bard et al., 2000). Significant human impact on the land resource resulted in 65 per cent of the total land mass to be a dry land. Land clearing for agricultural activity has become an increasingly main topic in the natural resource debate that contrasts the economic aspects of land development to the people dependent on it and with the ecological need to conserve. This project is a one of the initiative to investigate the land cover and its respective slope of the study site and to recommend technologies applicable to the overall land cover study projects in the dry high lands of Ethiopia. The study combines field verification  and computer processing using state-of-the-art remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies. The study specifically applies and eexplore the potential of Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR) bands of the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer ASTER images to discriminate land use categories where the land is fragile with mixed uses villages, patches of forest, patches of grazing land, crop land, wasteland, etc. the study will also explore the potential of ASTER images to provide stereo images for DEM generation of the scene that can be used to generate the Slope. The DEM generation task will investigate developing a rational polynomial function model. At last integration of the land cover and the DEM together with other GIS data can be used as input data to classify the suitability of land for specific land use. 2. The Problem Statement and Justification for the Research More than 63% of all smallholders in Ethiopia have less than 1 hectare of land. Population is growing rapidly and, although in the northern parts of the country the average rural population density is only 33 persons per square km, the population density per unit of arable land is much higher (138 persons per square km). Land fragmentation is common and the more fragmented holdings are, the more time it takes to manage them, with potential consequences for productivity. The national average is 3.2 parcels per smallholder, though districts averages vary from a little over 1 to more than 5. The broadest areas of high fragmentation are in eastern Amhara and Tigray, although there are also districts with high average fragmentation in Gambella, parts of SNNP, and the eastern highlands. (Ethiopian Agricultural Sample Enumeration, 2001/02. Central Statistical Authority.). As a result of fragmentation, farm sizes are very small and the use of fallow is rapidly disappearing, causing problems of declining soil fertility and erosion. Population growth increases the demand for land and contributes to farming on steep and fragile soils, also leading to erosion problems. It increases demand for biomass as a source of fuel, leading to deforestation and increased burning of dung and crop residues, thus increasing the problems of erosion and nutrient depletion. Population growth increases demand for livestock products and therefore leads to increased livestock numbers, causing overgrazing and consumption of crop residues by animals. In such situation Land degradation is a great threat for the future and it requires great effort and resources to improve. The major causes of land degradation in Ethiopia are the rapid population increase, severe soil loss, deforestation, low vegetative cover and unbalanced crop and livestock production. Inappropriate land-use systems and land-tenure policies enhance desertification and loss of biodiversity. The balance between crop, livestock, and forest production is disturbed, and the farmer is forced to put more land into crop production. The government has envisaged long- and short-term strategies to reduce the pressure on land and land fragmentation. Among the short term strategies are providing technical and vocational training to the landless youth to enable them to find off-farm employment and encouraging emigration to urban centers and to other parts of the region for resettlement. These strategies recommended allocation and reallocation of land to be based on the land use classification to be done in detail study. Understanding the current status of land use is very important and this project will come up with important elements of current land use study using remote sensing technologies to provide reliable information that help to prepare a complete land use plan. Justification Land Cover/ Slope Study To approach the growing problems of natural resource management, spatially explicit information about physical, biotic, and human factors must be available in a variety of geographic and temporal scales (USFWS 1976). Local planners and managers require detailed knowledge of the region for which they have responsibility as well as information on the regional, state, and national levels. Land cover data are essential at several scales. Current land cover data are vital to many applications including: making basic habitat assessments, delineating specific vegetative communities, calculating soil loss, and evaluating water quantity/quality within and between watersheds. The list of categories to be mapped is determined through the objectives of the mapping effort. This thesis describes such a mapping effort, one of presenting a basic land cover/Slope map, along with methods useful for land use planning applications. The conventional methods in producing DEMs need large campaigns that result in land surveying teams using analogue or analytical techniques. In the last decades satellite stereo image based topographical map production is turned into operational state from its experimental state. Recently many local scale landscape or topographical monitoring requirements are maintained by high resolution satellite images (Kanab 2002, Zomer et al. 2002, Baily et al. 2003, Su ¨zen and Doyuran 2004a, b, Liu et al. 2004). Advantages of ASTER for land evaluation The ASTER sensor is carried on board the Terra satellite that was launched in December 1999. The sensor has 14 spectral bands; three for Very Near Infra Red (VNIR) at 15 meters resolution, six for Short Wave Infra Red at 30 meters resolution, five for Thermal Infra Red at ninety meters resolution. Graphic 1 (below) shows the band coverage of the ASTER sensor. Thus with such resolution and number of bands it is possible to discriminate small fragile lands typical of Ethiopian highlands. In addition ASTER imagery has an extra channel of image data that is created by the sensor capturing a backwards looking image for the third VNIR band. So for image band three there exists one (nadir) image channel and also a backwards looking (off nadir) image channel. This creates an along-track stereo effect that provides DEM generation capability to be used for slope study. Scope This thesis presents a small watershed land cover/Slope map representing for the northern region of the country. It will provide information just beyond the local watershed by demonstrating feasibility of using selected satellite imagery for regional planning as well. It is known that Land suitability analysis is the process of matching demand, crop requirement, and supply, the quality of the land. Where it is necessary to specify the type of specific land use (e.g for forest plantation, maize, rangeland, etc.) so as to match with crop requirement, basic land characteristics, such as depth of soil, climate, amount of pH, level of soil nutrient, depth to ground water, etc.. Thus the scope of this thesis is limited to generating parameters necessary for the land suitability analysis. Project Objectives General objective To demonstrate the feasibility of Advanced Space borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) imagery to provide base line data for land use planning for sustainable land management Specific objectives Investigating discriminating power of ASTER Imagery in studying land cover in highly fragmented high lands of northern Ethiopia. To develop rational polynomial function model to generate a DEM that will be further processed to develop slope information. 4. Description of Project Activities and Methodology Selecting Study Area The landscape of Ethiopia is extremely diverse. In order to map land cover on a regional scale, it is necessary to understand the structure and dynamics of land cover on a local scale. To this end, the study area will be located to approximately represent throughout the northern part of the region. Thus the site will include major physiographic regions, i.e., predominantly mountains, valleys, and plains. On top of that the study site will be chosen on the following criteria: ease of access to allow comparison of actual land cover to images in hand, availability of current digital cover maps, and representation of regional land cover. Classification Scheme The first step in land cover mapping is to determine a classification system, i.e., to list the land categories to be mapped. Several items will be considered in this process: The objectives The characteristics of the data And the accuracy requirements. As in most well planned mapping efforts, the objectives determine the classes and the procedures used. Since the objective of this study is to identify fragmented land use types rather than classifying different vegetation types, emphasis will be placed on land impacted by human activities. The data available also determined the level of detail. ASTER imagery is assumed to be the best data currently available. The relatively high spatial resolution and the number of spectral bands of this imagery offers the best opportunities for discriminating a variety of cover types among any available satellite data such as Landsat. Imagery ASTER imagery with 15m spatial resolution, which is taken in the dry season of 2003, is the basic dataset from which land cover and Slope will be mapped. The data to be used for land cover study will be the VNIR bands (Band 1: 0.52-0.60 Lm; Band 2: 0.63-0.69Lm and Band 3N: 0.76-0.86Lm) of and 3N and 3B bands for the Slope study. A DEM created from ASTER level 1A (L1A) imagery can be expected to have a vertical accuracy of approximately 25 meters. Although in areas with less vegetation or man made features, this can rise to approximately 11 meters. It is therefore useful for small to medium scale mapping applications, 1:50,000 to 1:100,000. Only the near-infrared (NIR) channel of ASTER image has stereoscopic view capability as another NIR sensor is located as back view on board Terra satellite. Therefore, one NIR sensor collects image in nadir direction while another NIR sensor gets image in back-looking direction. Using two different looking directions, stereo imaging and DEM generation can be attained (Welch et al. 1998, Toutin 2002, Hirano et al. 2003). Training Data for image classification Since this study applies supervised classification, training data are needed at the start of classification. To this effect training data will be acquired from a variety of sources such as available maps, aerial photography of the same year and expert knowledge and review. Image Classification One scene for the land cover study and another nadir scene for the Slope study will be used for classification. To georeference the image, Ground Control Points (GCPs) will be collected from easily identifiable points using Geographic Positioning System (GPS). Image classification will be done either using pixel based supervised image classification or with object-oriented image classification depending on the accuracy to be achieved. ILWIS 3.3 software format will be the major image processing tools that will be used. Ground Truth and Classification Accuracy Assessment Before a map should be used, it is necessary to know its accuracy (Congalton1996). Accuracy assessment will be made using ground truth points to be collected from the major land use/cover types using GPS. It is recommended to have a ground truth at the same time of data acquisition, or at least within the time that the environmental condition does not change. A general rule of thumb is 75 to 100 reference points per category for a large image (Congalton 1996). However; for such a small scale study quite less number of reference points will be feasible. Statistics The Confusion Matrix In order to determine the errors in the classification, the following model called confusion matrix: (IDRISI module CONFUSE.) will be applied where: Matrix columns = ground data (assumed ‘correct) Matrix rows = map data (classified by the automatic procedure) Cells of the matrix = count of the number of observations for each (ground, map) combination Diagonal elements = agreement between ground and map; ideal is a matrix with all zero off-diagonals Errors of omission (map producers accuracy) = incorrect in column / total in column. Measures how well the map maker was able to represent the ground features. Errors of commission (map users accuracy) = incorrect in row / total in row. Measures how likely the map user is to encounter correct information while using the map. Overall map accuracy = total on diagonal / grand total Statistical test of the classification accuracy for the whole map or individual cells is possible using the kappa index of agreement Users and producers accuracy measure the correctness of each category with respect to errors of commission and omission. Accuracy of each class cannot be completely stated in one statistic; both accuracies are needed for a valid assessment. Users accuracy is obtained by dividing the number correctly classified by the total number of pixels, within the classified image, of that class assessed. A low users accuracy represents a high error of commission. Producers accuracy is calculated by dividing the number of pixels correctly classified by the total number of reference points within that class (bottom row of error matrix). A low Producers accuracy represents a high error of omission. The Kappa statistic describes the degree of superiority (expressed as a proportion), that the classification results have as compared to a random classification. DEM Generation Developments in computers, broadening of visualization applications and the availability of geospatial data, made the use of digital elevation models (DEM) an indispensable quantitative environmental variable in most of the research topics. The landscape change and process-based studies in digital Earth sciences require the excessive use of DEM (Ka ¨a ¨b 2002, Zomer et al. 2002, Baily et al. 2003, Su ¨zen and Doyuran 2004a, b, Liu et al. 2004), for landslide susceptibility/hazard assessment, erosion susceptibility, glacier monitoring, geomorphological mapping, etc., in order to quantitatively represent or to analyse the morphology or the landscape. Within this study, the major steps that will be performed are (1) pre-processing and (2) The first step in pre-processing is the orthorectification of raw L1A images. The whole scene ASTER L1A image will be orthorectified using available 1: 50,000 scaled topographic maps. DEM generation from stereoscopic imagery is dependent on establishing the mathematical model relating the scene coordinates of conjugate points to the ground coordinates of the corresponding object point. Either rigorous or approximate models can be used to establish such a relationship. Rigorous modeling necessitates a full understanding of the imaging geometry associated with the involved sensor. Moreover, it involves the external characteristics (as represented by the Exterior Orientation Parameters EOP) and the internal characteristics (as represented by the Interior Orientation Parameters IOP) of the imaging sensor. Such characteristics are derived with the help of control information, which might take the form of a calibration test field, ground control points, and/or onboard navigation units (e.g., GPS/INS). However, the derivation of these parameters might not be always possible due to: the lack of sufficient control; weak imaging geometry (especially for satellite imaging systems with narrow angular field of view); and/or intentional concealment by the data provider (e.g., Space Imaging does not release the IOP and the EOP for their commercially available imagery). Therefore, there has been an increasing interest to investigate approximate models, which do not explicitly involve the internal and external characteristics of the imaging system. (A. Habib, E. M. Kim, M. Morgan, I. Couloigne, 2005). There has been an increasing interest within the photogrammetric community to adopt approximate models since they require neither a comprehensive understanding of the imaging geometry nor the internal and external characteristics of the imaging sensor. Approximate models include Direct Linear Transformation (DLT), self-calibrating DLT (SDLT), Rational Function Model (RFM), and parallel projection (Vozikis et al., 2003; Fraser, 2000; OGC, 1999; Ono et al., 1999; Wang, 1999; Gupta et al., 1997; El-Manadili and Novak, 1996). This thesis will apply RPF; it is based on the ratios of polynomials with different degree which can vary from 1 to 3. The coefficients are estimated using a large number of Ground Control Points (GCPs). In general, the procedure for DEM generation from stereoscopic views can be summarized as follows (Shin et al., 2003): †¢ Feature selection in one of the scenes of a stereo-pair: Selected features should correspond to an interesting phenomenon in the scene and/or the object space. †¢ Identification of the conjugate feature in the other scene: This problem is known as the matching/correspondence problem within the photogrammetric and computer vision communities. †¢ Intersection procedure: Matched points in the stereo-scenes undergo an intersection procedure to produce the ground coordinates of corresponding object points. The intersection process involves the mathematical model relating the scene and ground coordinates. †¢ Point densification: High density elevation data is generated within the area under consideration through an interpolation in-between the derived points in the previous step. The image orientation with rational polynomial functions involves general transformation to describe the relationship between image and ground coordinates. They provide a generic representation of the camera object-image geometry. The RPF provided with the high resolution satellite images connect image space and object space by: Row or column = rpf (ÃŽ », Ï•, h) Where row/column is the image coordinates and ÃŽ », Ï•, and h are longitude, latitude and ellipsoidal height in geographic coordinates of WGS84 datum (Grodecki et al., 2004). Direct solutions use rational function coefficients and sensor parameters information without any control points and refinement the original coefficients. Indirect solutions use ground control points for computing coefficients without using sensor parameters (Tao, Hu 2001). Our solution is based on ground control points without any initial values of coefficients. First approximate values of parameters extract and then precise values compute with using ground control points. Rational Function Model with 20 parameters (Valadan, Sadeghiam 2002) is used in this paper as follow: Where : are the normalized row and column of pixel in image. : are the normalized coordinates of the image point in the Conventional Terrestrial (CT) coordinate system. : Rational Function Coefficients (RFCs). Estimating the RFM coefficients The method by which the RFM coefficients are recovered depends on the availability of a physical sensor model. In cases where a physical model is provided a terrain independent scheme can be applied. This scheme is based on the generation of a 3D grid in object space, using the physical sensor model. The 3D grid should contain several layers of points and its characteristics are determined by the coverage of the image and the terrain relief differences. Then, a Least Squares solution of the RFM coefficients can be derived. Finally, an estimation of the quality of the derived RFM coefficients should be carried out based on an evaluation of the residuals in a higher density 3D grid. When a physical model is not available, a terrain dependent scheme is used. As in this scheme it is not possible to generate a 3D grid, the solution is highly sensitive to the terrain relief, as well as to the distribution, number, and quality of the GCPs used. Generation The generation process involves four steps: primitive extraction, primitive matching, space intersection, and interpolation. Primitive extraction: At this stage, a decision has to be made regarding the primitives to be matched in the normalized scenes. Possible matching primitives include distinct points, linear features, and/or homogeneous regions. The choice of the matching primitives is crucial for ensuring the utmost reliability of the outcome from the DEM generation process. In this research, point features are chosen. Fà ¶rstner interest operator (Fà ¶rstner, 1986) will be used to extract distinct points from the imagery. The operator identifies points with unique grey value distribution at their vicinity (e.g., corner points).The next section discusses the matching procedure of these points. Primitive Matching: The matching criteria deal with establishing a quantitative measure that describes the degree of similarity between a template in the left scene and a matching window, of the same size, within the search space in the right scene. Either correlation coefficient or least squares matching could be used to derive such a similarity measure Space Intersection: Following the matching process, conjugate points undergo an intersection procedure to derive the ground coordinates of the corresponding object points. The RPF equation will be used for such computation. Interpolation: So far, the ground coordinates of matched interest points, which passed the consistency check, are derived through space intersection. These points are irregularly distributed and are not dense enough to represent the object space. Therefore, they need to be interpolated. In this research, Kriging will be used to interpolate the resulting object space points into regular grid. The Kriging methodology derives an estimate of the elevation at a given point as a weighted average of the heights at neighboring points. 5. Project Milestones and Expected outputs 5.1. Expected output Following are the expected outputs from this research; Based on the success of ASTER imagery in demonstrating land cover classification and slope generation, the result herein may be used as basic data to assist slope management, land use planning, and other land management efforts such as land suitability, and landslide susceptibility mapping when combined with other GIS data. Provides a procedure based on the rational polynomial function model for generating DEM directly from a stereo ASTER images, and other experimental results. In particular, the method can be quickly and easily applied to areas with little map data, and at low cost. Based on the success it can be extended for all the northern high lands of Ethiopia. 5.2. Dissemination plan The immediate users of the research result are policy makers, teaching institutes and other planning and development organization in their programming of land use management. It will also assist the local government in the design and making of policy issues. The small holder farmers are the ultimate users of the research results through well designed land management projects that are effective in ensuring sustainable development of the resources they are dependent on. 6. Work Plan 7. References Fraser, C. S., H. B. Hanley (2003). Bias compensation in rational functions for Ikonos satellite imagery. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 69(1): 53-57. Ganas, A. E. Lagios, N. Tzannetos (2002). An investigation into the spatial accuracy of the Ikonos2 orthoimagery within an urban environment. Int. Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(17): 3513-3519. Grodecki, J. and G. Dial (2003). Block adjustment of high resolution satellite images described by rational polynomials. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 69(1): 59-68. Hu, Y., C.V., Tao (2002). Updating solutions of the rational function model using additional control information. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 68(7): 715-724. MARCAL, A.R.S., BORGER, J.S., BOMES, J.A. COSTA, P.J.F. (2005) Land cover update by supervised classification of segmented ASTER images. International Journal of Remote Sensing 26, 1347-1362. YAN, G., MAS, J.F., MAATHUIS, B.H.P., XIANGMIN, Z., VAN DIJK, P.M. (2006) Comparison of pixel-based and object-oriented image classification approaches—a case study in a coal fire area, Wuda, Inner Mongolia, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing 27, 4039-4055.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

How reliable a narrator do you think Nick is based on what you have Ess

How reliable a narrator do you think Nick is based on what you have read in chapters 1 and 2 Throughout the opening of the book we meet Nick Carroway and he exposes many strengths How reliable a narrator do you think Nick is based on what you have read in chapters 1 and 2 Throughout the opening of the book we meet Nick Carroway and he exposes many strengths and weaknesses as the narrator of the book â€Å"Great Gatsby†. In this essay I will explore what contributes to him being reliable as well as his drawbacks as the narrator. Nick is never directly involved in any of the events. He only ever observes what is going on and this leads to a very unbiased outlook on the events. If Nick was more involved he may not give the reader such a clear outlook on the story line. This also suggests Nick is possibly not used to being in social situations, like at Gatsby’s house party, and this could hinder his interpretations of the events. Nick continues to contradict himself throughout the first two chapters. He ironically claims ‘I’m inclined to reserve all judgements,’ yet...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight :: Essays Papers

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Part I, lines 130-202 Of the service itself I need say no more, 1 For well you will know no tittle was wanting. 2 Another noise and a new was well-nigh at hand. 3 That the lord might have leave his life to nourish; 4 For scarce were the sweet strains still in the hall, 5 And the first course come to that company fair, 6 There hurtles in at the hall-door an unknown rider, 7 One the greatest on ground in growth of his frame: 8 From broad neck to buttocks so bulky and thick, 9 And his loins and his legs so long and so great, 10 Half a giant on earth I hold him to be, 11 But believe him no less that the largest of men, 12 And that the seemliest in his stature to see, as he rides, 13 For in the back and in breast though his body was grim, 14 His waist in its width was worthily small, 15 And formed with every feature in fair accord 16 was he. 17 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight :: Essays Papers Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Part I, lines 130-202 Of the service itself I need say no more, 1 For well you will know no tittle was wanting. 2 Another noise and a new was well-nigh at hand. 3 That the lord might have leave his life to nourish; 4 For scarce were the sweet strains still in the hall, 5 And the first course come to that company fair, 6 There hurtles in at the hall-door an unknown rider, 7 One the greatest on ground in growth of his frame: 8 From broad neck to buttocks so bulky and thick, 9 And his loins and his legs so long and so great, 10 Half a giant on earth I hold him to be, 11 But believe him no less that the largest of men, 12 And that the seemliest in his stature to see, as he rides, 13 For in the back and in breast though his body was grim, 14 His waist in its width was worthily small, 15 And formed with every feature in fair accord 16 was he. 17

Analytical Interpretation of Snow White Essay -- Snow White Analysis E

An Analytical Interpretation of â€Å"Snow-White†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the story of Snow-White, Competition is played out in numerous ways. As the famous saying goes-only the strongest survive and to the victor go the spoils. There were a few power struggles going on even under the primary plot. This is one way to describe some of the seemingly bizarre or extreme motivations that push the story to a grisly, but happy ending.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first queen apparently dies in childbirth (but do we really know this for sure?) and is replaced with a new queen in order to re-establish the king’s dominance over his kingdom. How can his empire be complete without a queen, considering the king was now a single parent as well? His life as a widower could not last in a time when meeting the status quo was so closely tied to the validity of self. He had to have a wife if he already had a child. Quite possibly, the king was influenced by outside forces to re-marry, or simply did not want to have sole responsibility of raising Snow-White and took another wife to safe face.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The battle between Snow-White and her step-mother was demonstrated to extreme ends. It was contested from both sides. The lack of action on Show-White’s part is an action in itself. Her passivity was an act of rebellion and self-preservation. I believe that Snow-White was far more manipulative than the story gives her credit for. Regardless of the initial chaos in any situation that the girl found herself in, especially th...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

An Idiot’s Guide to an Easier College Experience Essay

When people are in high school the only class in which they have to do any significant amount of writing is their English class. Subsequently, the only type of paper that most people are well versed in writing when they get to college is a paper for an English class. This would be fine except for the fact that when one gets to college they are asked to write for a variety of different classes. These could range from your standard English class to a proof for a Math class to a scientific lab report for a Biology class. All of the writings for these different classes require different formats, styles, and languages. If writers do not know these different styles and languages then they will have a much more difficult time being successful in their college career. Knowing these different styles and languages will help the writer to develop a sense of their own rhetorical awareness. If they have a sense of this awareness then they will be better equipped to write to their intended audienc e or discourse community. It is significant for student writers to be aware of and understand both what rhetorical awareness is and what a discourse community is because it will make their college experience easier and help them to attain better grades on papers for classes other than English. The first thing that student writers needs to be able to do in order for them to write for a discipline that they are not entirely familiar with, is to have at least a cursory knowledge of what a discourse community is, and what discourse community that they are writing for. In the hand out â€Å"Discourse Community Map† by Sylvia Morales, English Professor at Sacramento State University, a Discourse Community is defined as â€Å"a group of people who share a particular way of communicating and/or using language that follows certain rules and patterns† (1). In laymen’s terms if two people are part of the same discourse community then they will most likely think relatively alike. They may share many of the same beliefs. They may have similar values. Also they will most assuredly be interested in many of the same things. In academia a discourse community would most often exist among people that belong to different academic  disciplines. So it stands to reason that student writers needs to be able to communicate or write using the same type of language as the discourse community that they are trying to write for. For this reason it is extremely important for student writers to be able to know what a discourse community is and how it differs from the other discourse communities that it might interact with. Being able to identify a discourse community can sometimes be a daunting task. It is not always completely clear-cut. Very often it can be difficult to identify a discourse community because it may be quite similar to other discourse community. There can be small differences that make a big impact on the discourse community. In the article â€Å"Discourse C ommunities† by Gary D. Schmidt and William J. Vande Kopple it says, â€Å"sometimes people from different discourse communities focus on different aspects of the same object or general phenomenon† (1). The two groups are similar in that they are focused on the same object but it is the slight differences on how they focus on the object that makes them part of a different discourse community. One of the easiest ways that a student a writer might help themselves correctly identify a discourse community would be to first ask how do certain discourse communities communicate with each other. Are they only interested in cold hard facts, or do they appreciate discussions about their opinions. Next the writer should ask himself or herself what is the main purpose of the different groups in question. Also it will be helpful to student writers to figure out what claims are these certain groups of people making. Identifying these claims will go a long way in helping the writer determine what are the core values of the different groups. Once a student write has identified what discourse community they are dealing with, then they can begin to decide exactly what would be the best way for them to go about communicating to members of this discourse community. This would lead the writer to the next significant aspect of writing that they need to be aware of in order to have an easier time in college and achieve better scores on their various college writing assignments. Once the writer has correctly identified the discourse community that they are writing for then they need to know the best way to effectively communicate their ideas to the members of this community. This would be where rhetorical awareness comes into play. In their article â€Å"Rhetoric† Gary Schmidt and William J. Vande Kopple define rhetoric as â€Å"the  art of using language to have desired effects on people† (1). For the purpose of their article they were focusing on the written word. They simplify it by saying that it is â€Å"es sentially a matter of choice at all stages of the writing process—from the time when writers decide how to organize an essay to the time when they select individual words† (Schmidt et al. 1). So rhetorical awareness is knowing how to use certain words to get a desired effect, and knowing exactly what effect that the writer is going to solicit from the reader. This is a skill that needs to be developed. It is not something that can be learned overnight. However, it is a skill that if mastered can help student writers have a much easier time in college and earn much better grades on the papers that they write. Different kinds of rhetorical awareness strategies need to be learned and implemented for all of the various types of writing that student writers have to be competent in. For instance, if a student writer were dealing with a scientific discourse community then they would most likely want to choose language and a tone that was more scientific. This would include a fair amount of technical terms and scientific jargon. They would want to discuss only the things that can be proved through research and experimentation. They might choose to insert charts or graphs to illus trate their points. Also they would most likely want to keep their writing succinct. For example, in the article Effects of Unsaturated Free Fatty Acids on Adhesion and on Gene Expression of Extra cellular Matrix Macromolecules in Human Osteoblast-like Cell Cultures by Estella Musacchio, Giovanna Priante, Alessandro Budakovic, and Bruno Baggio, the writers use most if not all of the rhetorical choices that a reader should expect to find in a piece of writing that is extremely scientific in nature. The tone of this writing is extremely scientific, and there is a large amount of jargon. They write things such as â€Å"semi quantitative comparative kinetic RT-PCR with COLI, FN, and TGF-B specific primers was performed using G3PDH as a housekeeping gene† (Musacchio et. al 35). Now most people would not have any clue what this means, but a member of a scientific discourse community would, and they would appreciate this as a well-written sentence. This article also has multiple graphs and charts that help to illustrate the points that the writing is making. A good d eal of this writing has to do with the experiments that the writer did. This is important for people pf the scientific discourse community because it lets  them know that the research was sound and it could be repeated. Also the writing in this article is succinct and to the point. Lastly, it is organized in such a way that it is easy for the reader to know what each section is pertaining to. If a student writer were producing a piece of work for a member of a scientific discourse community and they choose to implement these types of rhetorical strategies, as long as their research was sound, it should go along way in helping to insure that they received a good score on the paper. In contrast, if a student writer were producing a piece of persuasive writing then they would want to take a much different approach. They would want to use more colorful language. They would want to use words that grab the reader’s attention. They might choose to use anecdotes or first hand accounts from people that would help to illustrate the point that the writer i s trying to make. For example, in the article Invalid Corps by COL R. Gregory Lande, MC USA Retired uses many of the rhetorical choices that you often find in a well-written piece of persuasive writing. In the article the writer grabs his readers attention right from the very beginning by quoting a famous Roman statesman and philosopher. The quote that he uses is â€Å"no man can be brave ho thinks pain is the greatest evil† (Lande 525). He also uses a first hand account form a solider that shows how useful members of the Invalid Corp could be. The solider wrote in his journal about how several regiments of the Invalid Corp help to repel a desperate attack on Washington D. C. by the Confederate Army (Lande 527). If a student writer were to use the same types of rhetorical strategies then it should help them to receive a better grade on any pieces of persuasive writing that they might have to produce for any of the their college courses. Student writers should not expect that just because they become adept at being able to identify and communicate with different discourse communities that college will be a breeze. Also they should not expect that just because they might be able to perfect the art of rhetorical awareness that they will pass every class. They should not expect this because doing well in college is about more than this. In fact, in the book Academic Writing: Genres, Samples, and Resources by Mary Kay Mulvaney and David A. Jolliffe the authors talk about how some of the biggest challenges that in coming  college students have to face are learning how to budget their time and how do find an effective way to deal with stress ( ). College is one of the most fun and exciting times in a young persons life. However college can also be one of the most challenging and stressful times in a young person life. The top things that most college students stress about are the papers that they have to write and the grades that they receive. What incoming college students writers need to realize is that there are steps that they can take form the very beginning of their college careers that will go a long way in helping them to get through college with a significantly lower amount of stress and anxiety. If incoming student writers learn to identify what discourse communities they are writing for, and if they are able to learn how to make wise rhetorical choice then they will receive better grades on their writing assignments. If they receive higher grades on their writing assignments then it stands to reason that they will receive high grades in their classes overall. If they receive higher grades in their class then their college career will go by a lot more easily. Works Cited Jolliffe, David A., and Mary K. Mulvaney. Academic Writing : Genres, Samples, and Resources. New York: Longman Group, 2004. Lande, Gregory. â€Å"Invalid Corps.† Military Medicine 173 (2008): 525-28. Morales, Sylvia E. Discourse Community Map. Musacchio, Estella, Giovanna Priante, Alessandro Budakovic, and Bruno Baggio. â€Å"Effects of Unsaturated Free Fatty Acids on Adhesion and on Gene Expression of Extracellular Matrix Macromolecules in Human Osteoblast-like Cell Cultures.† Informa Health 2007: 34-38. Schmidt, Gary D., and William J. Vande Kopple. Communities of Discourse: The Rhetoric of Disciplines. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993. 1. Schmidt, Gary D., and William J. Vande Kopple. Communities of Discourse: The Rhetoric of Disciplines. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993. 1.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Acme Fireworks Essay

Introduction As the owner of Acme Fireworks you have asked me, you manager, to review and explain some ideas to you. In the following pages I have explained the potential personal liability for injuries to consumers and what must be on our labels for safety. Analyzed the newly formed contracts with the retailers and the employment and expansion that are needed for Acme to go along with the new contracts, and then concluding with the change of the business entity. As we go forward with the growth of the business, we want to be sure things are done properly and that we will meet or exceed our consumer and customers’ standards at Acme Fireworks. Personal Liability As you are aware you our company needs to be sure that our consumers are aware of two key things their own liability, and warnings. Our consumers need to be aware that when they use our products that they alone are responsible for any damage done by the firing of the firework is their responsibility and not ours. Insurance companies are saying â€Å"you can’t always control who is watching your fireworks display and never know who might file a lawsuit against you for any bodily harm caused by a roge firework. Despite how complicated fireworks liability may sound, making sure you’re covered in the event of injuries or property damage is as simple as finding the right custom fireworks insurance plan that can be designed exactly for your needs (Xinsurance, 2009).† Our labels as you know must contain the following items for consumers’ safety and per Title 16 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Every fireworks  device must have: A label with a signal word, either WARNING or CAUTION; A statement describing the hazard(s) associated with the device, such as A statement describing the hazard(s) associated with the device, such as â€Å"SHOOTS FLAMING BALLS† or â€Å"EMITS SHOWERS OR SPARKS†; And information describing the actions to be followed or avoided in order to store, handle and use the device safely (Consumer Products Safety Commission, 2001). The company will need to take steps to ensure that the customer is protected and the integrity of the company is not compromised. Accepting personal liability for the letting of fireworks requires that the customer has a working knowledge of the operation of the pyrotechnics. There is a great level of responsibility accepted by our company for selling fireworks and to the consumer letting them off. Consumer accepts full responsibility for any damages in the use of products purchased from Acme Fireworks. Contract From what you have told me already, Event Palace and Party Store have submitted a request for large quantity orders on an ongoing, regular, basis. You have responded that Acme Fireworks agrees that we have the ability to fulfill the large orders requested, furthermore, both retailers and Acme Fireworks have agreed on a cost of $500.00 per case. As your manager, this constitutes an implied contract with these retailers and it is appropriate to act upon it quickly and get a simple contract drawn up for each of the retailer, signed by the proper people. First off I will give you some of the definitions of what should be in the contract, i.e. offer, terms, clauses, and acceptance, once complete, I will have an example of what I think the contract should contain. An offer must, â€Å"contain a clear promise to enter into a contract, must have reasonably certain terms, and must be communicated by the promisor (the person making the promise ) to the promise (the person to whom the promise is made)† (Rogers, 2012). Terms are what we and the retailers want from each other and what we expect in return; clauses are ways out of the contract if something unforeseen happens to either of the retailers or Acme. Finally, acceptance is where the responsible parties’ purchasing personnel, would sign the contract. Acme Fireworks will provide Event Palace with a minimum of 500 cases per month at a cost of $500 per case for the next two years, with the understanding that Event palace must place an order no later than 3 weeks prior to their next shipment. If Event Palace needs a quick shipment or a special order of $300 or more Acme would need to have that item in stock or they would need to add it to the next order, or pay additional prices for rush delivery. If an unforeseen and/or uncontrollable event happens to either party, they may have the option to back out of the contract, for a negotiated period of time, for repairs or termination of the contract, if necessary. Conditions such as but not limited, but not limited to, weather conditions, store, warehouse, or personal property damage. The contract will be kept in force, until canceled or terminated by agreed upon terms by all parties. New employment Once we get the contract back from the retailers we need to sit down with Nancy, our Human Resources, and get started with the hiring. For hiring the new employees that we will need for the addition work, the steps of advertising for the positions, scheduling interviews, and meeting to choose the correct candidates must be taken. Let us start off by writing the job descriptions down so we have clear definitions of what each job will entail. Then we can go to placing a couple of online ads with our local unemployment and the local online job agencies. Then contact the three local Employment Agencies and have them do some of the pre screening for us. With increasing our employee numbers above 15 we will have to ensure that each of our employees will not have any type of discrimination being hired. This will keep us in compliance with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Once we have the hiring going we will need to watch our scheduling to ensure that we follow the proper Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 on the regulations, minimum wage hours worked, overtime, employee breaks and we also follow the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 for the continued health and safety of the business (Rogers, 2012). We want to ensure that employees, both current and new have the understanding of what we expect of them as well as their rights. To do that  we need to gather up important information that each employee should know at all times, including the US regulation on handling and storing the explosive powers and form an employee handbook. In the employee handbook we need to include: Non-Disclosure and Conflict of Interest Statements, Compensation, Work Scheduling, Standard of Conduct, General Employment Information (Labor Laws, Minimum Wedge, and Termination Policy), Safety and Security, Media Relations, Employee Benefits and Leave Policies (Small Business Administration 2014). We can have this book on the production floor, available to take home and available to read on one in the break room computers. With the above changes into place I would like to make one more suggestion, as the Manager of the Acme Fireworks with all the new contracts and the new employees I would like to recommend that we move to a small warehouse located down by the docks in the marina area that has not been in use for a couple of years. The real-estate price is not high for a two year lease and then we could reevaluate where our business has grown; we can still keep the Payroll, and Human Resources here in the garage. I just think this will help the business. Business Entity My suggestion as your manager would be to go Limited Liability Company (LLC) and expand to a production warehouse and a sales office. Our current is the entity of a Sole Proprietor, which is good because you and your business are one in the same. The taxes are easy your file one form each year that contain your family and your business and then you are done. You have complete control of what is said and done within the business; no one else has the right to seek for your business. The disadvantage of the sole ownership is that if someone got hurt in the business and sued you they are also suing your family as well. You cannot sell stock in your business so it is hard to raise money and most investors will not invest, and banks are very hesitant to lend money. I would go to a Single Owner Limited Liability Company. The principal advantage of an LLC is that it is structured like a partnership but with limited liability protection for the owner similar to a corporation. Because an LLC is considered a separate entity from its owner, the owner cannot be held personally liable for its debts and obligations of the LLC, absent any fraud. With this choice you would still be the owner, but you would have limited liability, and your families saving and life  would not be interrupted if something happened to the business. The taxes in an LLC â€Å"are not taxed as a separate business entity. Instead, all profits and losses are â€Å"passed through† the business for each member of the LLC. LLC members report profits and losses on their personal federal tax returns, just like the owners of a partnership would (Small Business Administration 2014)†, or yourself if you choose not to have members. Members can be anyone of your choosing that you would want to share the profits and ownership respo nsibilities. Conclusion As this paper come to an end, I have covered each of the aspects that you the owner of Acme Fireworks as requested I cover. I have covered a lot of material in a short amount of time for you and all very helpful for our growing business. Please use the information wisely and understanding that I am trying to help our business grow in the right way. As a growing company, we need to ensure that our consumers know their rights and we need to ensure that our products have the proper labeling to follow the US Federal Regulations Title 16. With the oncoming of the new contracts and employees the growth of the company I recommend that we as a company go to a Sole Proprietor LLC. This you can protect your business and your family as we grow your business. As always, please feel free to come and talk to me about anything. References Consumer Products Safety Commission (2001) Fireworks Business Guidance Retrieved on August 24, 2014 from–Manufacturing/Business-Education/Business-Guidance/Fireworks/ Rogers, S. (2012). Essentials of Business Law. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Small Business Administration (2014) Employee Handbook Retrieved on August 24, 2014 from Small Business Administration (2014) Limited Liability Company Retrieved on August 24, 2014 from Small Business Administration (2014) Sole Proprietorship Retrieved on August 24, 2014 Xinsurane 2009, Event Home

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Journal on Poems Essay

The poem portrays the definitions of sanity and madness. However, these definitions vary from the perspective of people and the surroundings as pointed out in the second line. In other words, the poem points out that for certain people, something normal is considered insane and vice versa. 2. The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost Basically, for me, the poem depicted a common experience in life wherein one makes a choice between two things and then wonders what could’ve happened had he or she took the other option. The situation shown in the poem reflects a reality that everyone faces in life which is making a choice and standing by that decision. However, as illustrated in the poem, despite the choices people make regarding, for example, careers and business ventures, there will also be times that one doubts whether he or she made the right decision or not. 3. Design by Robert Frost The poem basically illustrates that most of the time the world’s beauty can be appreciated through observing the natural things such as the spider and the moth. In addition, as the title suggests, life is basically a design. It is natural for a spider to eat the moth as it was designed to do so. However, since the spider killed the moth, the author also wonders why the â€Å"designer† allows such a thing to happen. In short, while the author acknowledges the beauty natural order of things, he also questions why horrible events, such as death, happen. 4. Mending Wall by Robert Frost Initially, the poem suggests that there are no need for walls between neighbors as this suggests division. However, at the end, although the speaker in the poem still did not favor the construction of a wall between him and his neighbor, he acknowledged the fact that walls are important as these set boundaries and limitations. Basically, the poem also illustrates that in real life, â€Å"walls† or boundaries, which are best exemplified by laws and rules, are necessary to maintain order. 5. Cross by Langston Hughes The poem clearly depicts the speaker’s confusion about his identity. As the title of the poem says, the speaker is a â€Å"cross† between a white man and a black woman and is confused about his true identity. He also wonders if he would share the same fate of his mother and father and yearns to know where he really belongs to. The poem also depicts two realities in life which are discrimination and racism. Basically, the poem suggests that if these two did not exist, the speaker would not have to long for acceptance and would not have to search for his identity.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Margaret Garner

The Fugitive Slave Act is one of the causes of the Civil War in America. The Fugitive Slave Act is an act that renders all slaves to be controlled and overpowered by their owners with the help of District Court of the United States. However, the owners have a big responsibility towards their slaves especially when it is fugitive for they need to pay to the District Court of the United States when an officer or a marshal captured a fugitive.When it happens, the owner needs to go to the District Court and have all the papers needed to show that the fugitive was his of theirs. In this case, it will be a big burden for the owners to have fugitives so they find their fugitives on their own before the officers or the marshals could find them because it will cost them a lot of money, time and effort. The purpose of this paper is to show the relation of the Fugitive Slave Act to the life of Margaret Garner during the years of slavery.Margaret Garner is a fugitive slave who has four children. She and her family went to a friend in order to escape from their owners. They went through a lot of place to find the house of their friend named Kite. However, before they saw the house of their friend, they asked different people to give them the direction going to the Mill Creek, the place of the house of their friend. Through this journey, many people have seen them so their pursuance can reach them whenever they go.When they were in the house of their friend, their pursuance finds them but before they got Margaret Garner, she killed her youngest daughter, who was also her favorite child. She also likes to kill all her three children but her pursuance got her and brought her to the court. Margaret Garner thought of this situation as the only way not to make her children felt the suffering of being slaves. The court let Garner and her family free because the evidences showed that they were given a vacation by their owners in a Free State. Therefore, they were free during the ti me when they went to the house of their friend, but going to the Mill Creek, which is a purpose of escape brought them back to slavery.Both slaves and free backs in America were affected with this Act because this law made a big transformation to the ownership of the slaves, not only the slaves who are being controlled in this Act but also the owners. In the Fugitive Slave Act, when a slave escaped from his or her owner, there will be a lot of discussion between the owner and the District Court in terms of record verification, and penalty of the owner because of its fugitive slaves. Therefore, the owner will be the one who is responsible in finding its slaves to avoid penalty. Aside from the owner’s problem to its labor force, there will be also a problem when their fugitive slaves were captured by the officers or marshals and brought to District Court.The Northern abolitionist and Southern slaveholders were also affected with this Fugitive Slave Act because it produced a sch eme of reward in order to assist the generation of enticements among Southern slaveholder and Northern abolitionist catchers in regaining their possessions. Consequently, escaped slaves will not be safe in the North. Therefore, slaves have limited actions in their works for they were not safe in every place they go.According to the Section 10 of the Fugitive Slave Act, when any person held to service or labor in any State or Territory, or in the District of Columbia, shall escape. There from, the party to whom such service or labor shall be due, his,   her, or their agent or attorney, may apply to any court of record   therein, or judge thereof in vacation, and make satisfactory proof to such court, or judge in vacation, of the escape aforesaid, and that the   person escaping owed service or labor to such party.This statement brought the case of Margaret Garner to the court. According to the evidences, she had her vacation to the Free State during the time she went to the Mill Creek. That is why the court made a decision to set her and her family free because her owners did not abide the law that she can go to the Free States when she was in a vacation. However, the means of killing her daughter for the notion of not making them slaves when they grow up is a form of escape. In this case, they were called fugitives. Therefore, they were brought back into slavery.During the year of 1850’s when slavery became intensifying problem of both North and South due to the Fugitive Slave Act and their slaves, owners became stricter and wanted their slaves to be barricaded inside their properties so that these slaves would not escape. Margaret Garner’s tragic story happened during these years, when slaves do not know what to do in order to make their family free even if the pay for this cost was their slavery until they die because of the pain, sorrow, and struggle of being slaves.Margaret killed her daughter to make a change. She knew that it was not j ust for her and for her family but also for the society. She wanted change – a change in the way of treating slaves. The law can be seen as â€Å"unjust law† because the individuality of the slaves was taken for granted. The Fugitive Slave Act was all about the actions that can be done to the owners and the fugitives when the fugitive is captured. However, the fugitive has no right to have its life. Slaves were treated as robots and animals, which are actually humans. The tragic story of Margaret Garner is a revelation to the law and to the whole society during this period – the â€Å"unjust law† made the slaves not humans but animals taking them as their own.Sources:Halsall, Paul. The Fugitive Slave Act, September 18, 1850.Internet Modern History Sourcebook. 1998., Levi. Margaret Garner. Reminiscences (Cincinnati, 1876) Margaret Garner The Fugitive Slave Act is one of the causes of the Civil War in America. The Fugitive Slave Act is an act that renders all slaves to be controlled and overpowered by their owners with the help of District Court of the United States. However, the owners have a big responsibility towards their slaves especially when it is fugitive for they need to pay to the District Court of the United States when an officer or a marshal captured a fugitive.When it happens, the owner needs to go to the District Court and have all the papers needed to show that the fugitive was his of theirs. In this case, it will be a big burden for the owners to have fugitives so they find their fugitives on their own before the officers or the marshals could find them because it will cost them a lot of money, time and effort. The purpose of this paper is to show the relation of the Fugitive Slave Act to the life of Margaret Garner during the years of slavery.Margaret Garner is a fugitive slave who has four children. She and her family went to a friend in order to escape from their owners. They went through a lot of place to find the house of their friend named Kite. However, before they saw the house of their friend, they asked different people to give them the direction going to the Mill Creek, the place of the house of their friend. Through this journey, many people have seen them so their pursuance can reach them whenever they go.When they were in the house of their friend, their pursuance finds them but before they got Margaret Garner, she killed her youngest daughter, who was also her favorite child. She also likes to kill all her three children but her pursuance got her and brought her to the court. Margaret Garner thought of this situation as the only way not to make her children felt the suffering of being slaves. The court let Garner and her family free because the evidences showed that they were given a vacation by their owners in a Free State. Therefore, they were free during the ti me when they went to the house of their friend, but going to the Mill Creek, which is a purpose of escape brought them back to slavery.Both slaves and free backs in America were affected with this Act because this law made a big transformation to the ownership of the slaves, not only the slaves who are being controlled in this Act but also the owners. In the Fugitive Slave Act, when a slave escaped from his or her owner, there will be a lot of discussion between the owner and the District Court in terms of record verification, and penalty of the owner because of its fugitive slaves. Therefore, the owner will be the one who is responsible in finding its slaves to avoid penalty. Aside from the owner’s problem to its labor force, there will be also a problem when their fugitive slaves were captured by the officers or marshals and brought to District Court.The Northern abolitionist and Southern slaveholders were also affected with this Fugitive Slave Act because it produced a sch eme of reward in order to assist the generation of enticements among Southern slaveholder and Northern abolitionist catchers in regaining their possessions. Consequently, escaped slaves will not be safe in the North. Therefore, slaves have limited actions in their works for they were not safe in every place they go.According to the Section 10 of the Fugitive Slave Act, when any person held to service or labor in any State or Territory, or in the District of Columbia, shall escape. There from, the party to whom such service or labor shall be due, his,   her, or their agent or attorney, may apply to any court of record   therein, or judge thereof in vacation, and make satisfactory proof to such court, or judge in vacation, of the escape aforesaid, and that the   person escaping owed service or labor to such party.This statement brought the case of Margaret Garner to the court. According to the evidences, she had her vacation to the Free State during the time she went to the Mill Creek. That is why the court made a decision to set her and her family free because her owners did not abide the law that she can go to the Free States when she was in a vacation. However, the means of killing her daughter for the notion of not making them slaves when they grow up is a form of escape. In this case, they were called fugitives. Therefore, they were brought back into slavery.During the year of 1850’s when slavery became intensifying problem of both North and South due to the Fugitive Slave Act and their slaves, owners became stricter and wanted their slaves to be barricaded inside their properties so that these slaves would not escape. Margaret Garner’s tragic story happened during these years, when slaves do not know what to do in order to make their family free even if the pay for this cost was their slavery until they die because of the pain, sorrow, and struggle of being slaves.Margaret killed her daughter to make a change. She knew that it was not j ust for her and for her family but also for the society. She wanted change – a change in the way of treating slaves. The law can be seen as â€Å"unjust law† because the individuality of the slaves was taken for granted. The Fugitive Slave Act was all about the actions that can be done to the owners and the fugitives when the fugitive is captured. However, the fugitive has no right to have its life. Slaves were treated as robots and animals, which are actually humans. The tragic story of Margaret Garner is a revelation to the law and to the whole society during this period – the â€Å"unjust law† made the slaves not humans but animals taking them as their own.Sources:Halsall, Paul. The Fugitive Slave Act, September 18, 1850.Internet Modern History Sourcebook. 1998., Levi. Margaret Garner. Reminiscences (Cincinnati, 1876)

Friday, September 13, 2019

Analysing strategic position for SMEs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Analysing strategic position for SMEs - Essay Example From the Deputy Managing Director of the company Vic Handley, the ground-engineering specialist Van Elle is concentrating on infrastructure and rail as 2015 kicks. Having invested 14.5 million pounds in the past two years in the company’s rail division and 8.5 million pounds is an indication of company-improved performance (Green, Larsen, and Kao, 2008). The financial director of the business, Paul Pearson the rail sector is a recession-proof due to the budgets of the Network Rail. In addition, he adds that there is much to do in those markets that the company is trying to map their investment to their opportunities and growth. From that, it can clearly be that the company is focusing on planning their investment to their growth and opportunities that are good (March 2009). The company is also moving in a positive direction since regional expansion is on the minds of many SMEs, and Van Elle is the company is looking to expand into new areas. The company is also increasing their operations in the burgeoning area of Scotland due to the established services in Wales and England which is a right direction (Kao, Green, and Larsen, 2009). The PESTLE analysis is a detailed view of the environment a business is in. It can also be to a bird’s eye view where the company or a person tries to ascertain certain trends of the market from a macroeconomic perspective. The factors are a primary determinant of strategic development and define how conducive an environment is within which a business struggles to thrive. Therefore, it is important to construct an environmental analysis for Van Elle. The analysis may help to assess several factors in the macro environment and to identify how future issues might affect the company (Haberberg and Rieple, 2007).The primary questions to be for consideration in the Environmental Analysis include; Entails